Someone Outside of Time

The plan was to keep Lea busy enough until Listrel appeared.

Kyros unleashed a bright beam of light that illuminated the night sky, which would draw lizardman and the rest towards it. But Kyros knew that they wouldn't take long as Listrel would sense it and charge towards it.

Mechiel escaped immediately after being teleported up to the sky above. Several Shadow Clones tailed her for a bit before splitting up in different directions.

The Shadow clones had told Mechiel of the real plan, and Mechiel followed. She used her abilities to make her fly through great distances and quickly created an energy conversion circle using her blood. The process was more delicate as Mechiel was not as fast in creating it as Kyros was. Her mastery of the elements was not enough, and she had to trigger blood energy to activate it.

And that was the teleportation point where Kyros appeared.

The moment Kyros appeared, the pair raced with great speed.