World to Save


A giant Brimstone Beast had appeared as the attacks of Listrel, Lea, and Mechiel led to the deaths of many beasts.

The giant was twenty meters tall and was very fast for its size.

Its massive fist shot towards Lea, who continued to take the beast blow by blow.


"Hurry!" Lea shouted as she could sense she was running out of energy.

Her control over Force Energy was vastly weaker than how she could wield it before. This is because she was wasting so much and was quickly draining the reserve in her body.

The biggest problem was the lack of Death energy. While the darkness of the lands was great as the small sources of light could barely create it, the power of Brimstone was purging death itself.


A final blow and Lea was sent flying back and crashed on the desolate ground.

"Now!" Listrel shouted, and Mechiel gathered the power of her blood and used it as water energy.