Finding the Ones Outside of Fate and Destiny

It had been several months since visitors from the west Midland kingdoms.

And after they left, the battles that the men of the Highlands faced were growing more and more chaotic.

The battles turned to their disadvantage when the bright, cosmic entities that provided little light vanished. The strongest and wisest believed that the severance of the Yggdrasil from the dark soil it planted itself into had now thrown the Yggdrasil in a position where no light could meet it.

And without the source of light that fueled most of the defenses, the Walls that Endured faced a tremendous tribulation.

A massive army of great power had gathered in front of it, and all of the Highlands were forced to defend and guard the walls.

Brimstone Beast, over thirty meters high, stood at a far distance and had massive dragonic forms with powerful breath attacks that were breaking down the walls.