Crown and Crownless

The Crown of Thorns was a legendary power that only the strongest of those who had the Code of Dentro acquired.

The power of Dentro and the remnant energy sought to save the Planesworld as it felt the pain of the Yggdrasil. And when Gradius and Listrel acquired the power, the will of the Yggdrasil and its hatred for its enemies was spurred, allowing the power to crown beings.

The crowning of warriors was necessary for cultivation. Only those Crowned and have blessings from the gods or fallen are allowed to breach the limitations of their body by being transformed into a divine or corrupted body.

The Crown of Thrones represented that they were the kings and queens assigned by Dentro. And millenniums have passed since the last crown of Dentro was bestowed! Most cultivators who sought Dentro's blessings were given weaker crowns. But now, two crowns were given, allowing the two to connect strongly with the trees and commune with them.