Crown to Touch

Hems had released the tremendous amount of Brimstone he had contained during the past months.

He had battled and devoured it, and they would seal the power using water magic to create obsidian. While the obsidian wasn't near as hard as Rachel's power, it did its job by creating a layer that contained the bursting Brimstone.

Hems ate and ate the brimstone energy, and he had an energy formation circle written around his obsidian body to help contain the energy. But al of burst out as Lanthanou attempted to kill Hems.

It was as if a volcanic eruption had burst out of the sky.

"ARGH!" Lanthanou was caught in the massive release of Brimstone, and the flames devoured his arm.

The massive blast affected the entire army around him, and a great portion of the army of darkness was purged out.

Hems were thrown out of Lanthanou's arm and began to fall into the army.

The enraged Lanthanou reached out as his form grew larger and his arm recovered.