Building a Feast

Angelica was confused at the events that had occurred. But everyone is glaring at her and had brought out their weapons to brandish against her.

"Answer the question! What did you do?" Commander Menks brought out his daggers, which were his weapon of choice.

The daggers were glowing with thick ice energy as Menks drew closer.

Many of the Champions and the rest approached.

"I did not kill him!" Angelica shouted but her weapon was drawn.

"Kill her!"

"Interesting. I didn't expect betrayal to happen. A necromancer infiltrating the ranks... That makes sense."

The slime appeared as a bright light appeared.

The crowd was silenced. The Slime was the lord of the castle and the last time he appeared, a Hydra rampaged and killed many of the,

The slime slowly floated down and landed right on top of Angelica.

Angelica felt the terrifying power of the Slime and could feel tremendous magic.