Building Murderous Intentions

There was no time to be distracted as a horde of goblins appeared.

But when they saw the goblin horde, they were stunned. Their appearances were more horrifying and their eyes were red with bloodlust.

Goblins and hobgolbins were charging down.

"Champion level? Assume formation! These goblins are strong!" Angelica led.

But as she rushed to the forefront, the others hesitated.

She wanted to shout in anger but she knew that what she asked was too dangerous.

Suddenly, the undead summons of Menks rushed forward to aid Angelica while he was busy creating a ritual to revive the undead body of Mark and Wailen.

"Maintain distance from each other but form a formation. My undead will cover the gaps between!" Menks ordered as he began the ritual. He gathered the blood of Mark and was taking his organs and placed them in Wailen and began the dark ritual.
