Blood Offering

Legend spoke of a mighty dragon that fell in love with the giant beautiful plant as it was said that the Planesworld was the most beautiful tree planted by the great Plant Ancient, Dentro.

It was said that the spirit of the Ygdrassil also fell in love with the great Land Wyrm and their union led to the formation of the Ygdrassil.

The union of the two gave birth to one of the strongest dragons that later became a mighty champion among the Heretic Army. The dragon was so strong it could contend with the Greater God of Fire and the Greater God of Lightning.

In the many attempts to defeat the powerful Heretic, the Ancients and the Fallen sent their warriors but were all defeated by the Defender Dragon. He had terrifying earth energy and could create the power of Tremor. It was only later, that a son of Hyperion Steel was tasked lay waste and decimate the great land and the battle occurred at Airom.