Enter the Body of Death

The Dwarven Cardinal and the Mage Commander nearly shouted in fright as the voice spoke.

However, the Crown smiled as he saw the slime.

"How impressive. I never thought that the lord of the mansion would be a slime creature of surpassingly powerful time/space elements.

"Oh. You misunderstand. My master allowed me to name the mansion. But I am not the lord. I am but a servant.

Luigi vanished and appeared on the ground again.

Everyone marveled at how such powerful teleportation would spark no fluctuation or even the slightest ripple of energy.

"You are quite amazing, my little friend. And that speaks miles for your master."

"Oh, you have no idea." Luigi chuckled.

"The master now bids his entrance. Just as Crown Birdy here said..."

Everyone was stifled by the vulgar words of the slime. He called an exalted Crown a Birdy!

But Ikarod did not even show the slightest expression but smiled.