Enter the Chamber of Maidens

Breveros laughed and laughed at how his ingenious plan worked.

He was meticulous in his planning as this was his only way to climb up the ladder of success. Had it not been for his sharp mind, he would not have been able to rise to the very position of power he was in. While he wasn't as strong and renowned as his brother, he still drew a decent amount of respect, and his strategies and opinions were highly valuable to his brother.

He paid careful attention to the news of the wars in the Lowlands. He saw how kingdoms grew strong and how armies made a push.

The Lowland kingdoms were even as bold as to claim that they would move to the Midlands!

Under the pretense that many Midland nations were secretly aligned with the orcs, two kingdoms demanded entry to the Midlands.

And strangely enough, it was granted by the Princess of the Highlands!