Friends with All Sides

Breveros was in constant communication with Bolerax, and the information of all their enemies was made known to Nightwing.

As the planets formed their team, Nightwing already had the list of all the names of those who would be sent to the Planes World.

"Only two women among them... How sad..." Nightwing sighed.

"Like any of them would dare to send powerful female cultivators with an incubus here." Breveros gave Nightwing an annoyed look.

"What else?"

"You've been pressing me with many questions already... If I didn't know any better, you plan to betray us."

"Of course, I'll betray you! I'm friends with all sides. So I'm going to use my powers to make Angelian send a message to the clone of her dear old dad here."

"...What?" Breveros frowned.