Enraged Eldriches

Breveros stood down in the massive tower and heard the concerned question of his brother.

"My king and brother. I am alive. I am sorry for the delay. The entire region of the Black Bog Kingdom has changed. This place was the lair of Nightwing's former master. But great changes, shocking and unbelievable changes, have occurred and altered the very landscape of the place."

"What happened?"

"The master of Nightwing had fled, fleeing the power of the Incubus. I was given to learn that the former master of Nightwing is a powerful vampire that descends from the Fanged Vampire itself. She had an army. But because of her weakened state and her nature as a woman, she feared the new Nightwing and severed ties with their master and servant relationship. But..."


"Thi-things happened that has caused the hidden monsters of this land to gain power. When Nightwing's master left... the chained monsters were freed. Darklings."