Day Of Neutral Meetings

The actions of Perment were not just weird. It was crazy.

Baron Elford saw the strange actions of Perment.

"Hahahahaha!" A loud laugh was heard, and two Mage Captains appeared.

One was a fellow Barons of the kingdom, and the other served directly or was employed by powerful organizations as Captain.

Their laugh echoed out, and Perment noticed them.

"Baron Carlisto. Mage Captain Torman of the Viscous Blade Mercenary Brigade. It's so nice to see such familiar faces." Perment smiled.

Emeros could tell that these two had done great harm to Perment just as Baron Elford did.

"It seems that Perment has finally lost it! Hahaha!" Carlisto laughed and laughed.

Torman had tears in his eyes as he was also bending in laughter.

"This...! Elford! When you told me that Perment was coming, I didn't care to go here. But you insisted! This is a great show!" Carlisto laughed.

Elford, on the other hand, was slowly becoming angry.