Training to be an Alchemist

The underground world was now more chaotic than it was before.

Scores and scores of Imps and Gremlins marched off toward the direction of the mine.

Many troops and groups of beasts were guarding the area.

The rush of imps seemed endless, and the sounds of battles could be heard from afar.

Emeros had secretly scouted the region with Philip and Serena and determined the current state of the mine.

Mage Perment also sent Emeros an important message to refrain from returning. And even the plan to deliver the book had to stop with the interference of Mage Rorcast.

There were also battles occurring all over the region, and monster screams, and howls could be heard as the imp army was now trying to take over the region.

Dozens of imps and gremlins continued to attack a large mantis. Five of the mantis had died from the attacks of the gremlins and imps, and only the large mother mantis was present.