Attacking the Shades

Four more days have passed since Emeros, and his party found the secret temple in the middle of the cliff's drop.

Except for Perment and Emeros, everyone was back up the cliff and were on their hunt.

They were attacking the strange creatures now born from the death of orcs and imps.

The imps were said to have been creatures infected by the blood of demons. In comparison, orcs were born from the corpses of demons whose vile energies created a new life.

Blood and body were fighting and were being spilled in the mana-filled land causing a foul beast of strange form to take shape.

The darkness that spread was thick and potent, and the malice and hatred of the two races were reacting to the magic of this underground world.

And because of that, creatures of terrifying power that had never before been seen in the Zarefard Kingdom had now appeared.