To Make Things Difficult

Emeros emerging from the Valley Below the Lake entrance naturally spread out all over the campus.

This was because everyone thought him to be dead, but now he has emerged, and from his appearance, he didn't even look bothered, wounded, or distressed.

In fact, he looked very calm and relaxed, as if he had been on a vacation.

His emergence to the exit quickly caused many groups to act.

At a distance was a man wearing a physician's coat.

He stood atop one of the tall buildings and watched as Emeros made his way to town, though he was three kilometers away.

The doctor's eyes watched with surprise as Emeros began to walk.

He smirked and turned around.

"It seems that our target has left the cave. This will prove quite problematic." The doctor sighed.

Next to him were several men, all wearing attires that proved they were medically trained cultivators. They all moved towards the balcony and used a telescope to see the man.