Star Physician

Master Physician Valler. A Second Star Physician of All. Even Third Star Physicians respect him for his range. Most physicians who have stars focus only on a certain field of medicine. Whether it was internal medicine, Cultivator Medicine, Pre-Champion Medicine, Post Champion Medicine, or even those specializing in surgeries, neuro, or other fields.

But Valler was known as the Second Star of All. All fields were his expertise, making him as popular as a Third Star Physician. In fact, he was expected to become one in three to five years!

But, of course, Valler had a secret identity. He was born, raised, and trained in the Continents Above the Sky and trained in the most secretive class not publicly known in the kingdoms, the Assassin class!

Valler smiled and approached Emeros. He never expected Emeros to ask him in the field of medicine.