Passing is Impossible

Emeros was now resting and recovering. It was revealed that the next test would continue the next day and wait for the student's exams to finish.

Xilar began organizing and gathering the teachers to prevent the exam results of the Vashura class from being tampered with.

Knowing that Emeros had gained confidence in his class's results, Xilar only did his part to minimize any tampering that would surely occur.

Emeros sat down, and with him were several teachers who used to be neutral or had antagonistic leanings. But now they waited with Emeros not because he killed a Pedagog but because of his support.

Emeors saw the powerful men and couldn't help but feel nostalgic.

"Kyros and Noxus were always surrounded by powerful allies... Was it like this?" Emeros thought as he watched the teachers silently wait along with him.

"May I know how the Student's Examination is ranked?" Emeros asked.