Teacher of Deductive Reasoning

"You?!" Desyerto shouted.

"A student?" The butler frowned.

"A boy?" The stone statue frowned.

The group's reactions varied as they saw the young boy that the legendary old man led respectfully.

The most surprised were the teachers and Xilar, who knew who Emeros was.

"Emeros?!" Xilar shouted.

Emeros offered a quick bow at the sigh of Xilar. But unlike a bow that showed respect, Emeros was now addressing people who were either his equal or beneath him in status.

"What is he...?!" Desyerto shouted. 

"Why is this wretched teacher with this mysterious Old Man?!" Artes exclaimed.

King David was also curious as to how Emeros appeared.

"Hm? It seems our little troublemaker has made his way here..." King David smiled.

"I see that you were at least smart enough to find this place, Desyerto. As expected of a Master Teacher. Sadly, the reward will be mine." Emeros sneered and noticed the three beautiful Pedagogs.