The Emeros class was a mage majority. In fact, those who had other specializations would still be considered expert mages in the Mortal world.
Chevik and the rest were using their magic to create something brand new.
This was necessary for their class and would have granted them many merits. But alas, the situation changed, and the students never got the chance to do so.
But because Emeros had shown them many miracles, the students' motivation was not to impress the other students in school or the rest of the Floating Continents.
Emeros had done so many great things, and even his recent stunt of joining the battle of the Heavenlies proved that he would far surpass the peak of the floating continents and bring them beyond the clouds. So naturally, the class wanted to impress him!
Mackerel's eyes could see the flow of magic; with this, he could control it.
Quinn could move fire like water and even control the water's flow.