"They've Lost Their Minds..."

"I noticed earlier that you two were quite emotional as you took your first bites of the pear…" Fumio resumes his questioning.

"It's not surprise, nor gustatory pleasure, but strangely… longing. Why is that?" He asks.

"…" The couple refuse to answer. They did not expect Fumio to notice that much.

Fumio shrugs at the couple's silence, already expecting it.

"It also seems like you've had a fruit as good as this before. That reminds me, if what I read on the internet were quoted from The Bible and Avrhamic Scripture, that you two lived in the so-called 'Paradise', a garden that's name I don't recall.  Is that true?" He continues to ask.

"…" The couple again remain silent as they look at each other, knowing each other's discomfort with the questions.

"Come on. Just tell me if it's true or not. It's not like you don't lose anything if you say 'No.' I won't even ask where you two were born." Fumio attempts to coax.