"Ah… My hunger is gone. This pear is almost as good as the ones in Eden." Havvah compliments as she swallows the last bite of the pear that Fumio prepared.
"Keyword. ALMOST." Ahdem scoffs.
Fumio however witnessed how much the man enjoyed the pear.
"Well. Even if the pear is not special, the size of it will sure fill anyone." He shrugs as he tosses the plate to the kitchen like a flying saucer.
The couple watch the plate sail through the air and lands nicely inside the sink with a clang.
"Hm… I wonder what that thing is made of?" Havvah is interested that what seemed like a clay ceramic plate did not break from Fumio's reckless handling of it.
"So… magic." Fumio continues his inquiry.
"What about it?" Havvah and Ahdem get nervous.