Chapter 26 - Harmony

More days passes after Lin Mufa joined.

While Lin Mufa was familiarizing himself with cutting the trees in this new environment, Wang Tian was observing the realm just like usual, occasionally he would pay some attention to Lin Mufa and think about what to do in the future.

Rather than letting Lin Mufa just cut the trees every day, Wang Tian thought there should be better things for Lin Mufa to do.

In fact, he could order Lin Mufa to go out and perhaps create a bit of chaos in the outside world. This should create a lot more variables in the world. The fates of the people should be able to change drastically.

And by changing the fates of some people, that might allow him to comprehend the changes in the law of fate more clearly.

Although Wang Tian didn't really have to comprehend the laws since he had the Authority, he had not yet taken full control of it. By comprehending the laws, Wang Tian could instead speed up the process of familiarizing himself with the Authority.

And to do that, Wang Tian couldn't just let Lin Mufa go out without cultivation whatsoever. He should at least have cultivation at the Nascent Soul stage before Wang Tian could order him around since the experts still moving around in the world were the Nascent Soul experts. As for the Soul Transformation ones, they were too busy cultivating in seclusion to care for the outside world. Especially after the change in this mortal realm where the cultivation ceiling seems to be higher than it used to.

Currently, Wang Tian was trying to create a cultivation technique for him. Something involving cutting and trees. It would be a custom-made cultivation technique for a woodchopper.


But while Wang Tian was thinking about it, he realized he should not create a specific cultivation technique that can only be used by Lin Mufa as he did with Liu Kong back then. Wang Tian need to create something that could be used by pretty much every being in the world. Even the stones, grasses, and even dirt. That way, he wouldn't be making cultivation techniques from scratch every time. He would just give them the technique and let them explore that way on their own.

Wang Tian was not doing this just for the sake of it, it was something he had actually thought about some time ago in passing after the thing with Heaven and that disorganized army of gods.

Recalling Heaven's method, Wang Tian would rather train his own people than recruit or even kidnap people. This way, their loyalty would be high with only a small chance of rebellion and an even smaller chance of betrayal.

And to do that, Wang Tian needed to create the base of that cultivation technique. It would be better if it's a comprehensive technique that could change according to its user. As for the one he gave to Liu Kong, it was something only Liu Kong could cultivate. Using it as the foundation for the technique that Wang Tian wanted was not suitable.

Hence, Wang Tian had to create a cultivation technique that was comprehensive enough for every being. That was the plan.

"Perhaps I could still modify the one I gave to Liu Kong."

"Let's start with that."

Wang Tian immediately went to focus on his mind.

"Liu Kong's breathing technique, modify it slightly."

"Discard the position requirement."

"Gently harmonized with the qi from heaven and earth. Let the qi absorbed be more in tune with the body."

"Qi harmonization. This should allow the mobilization of qi to be more smooth. At the same time, it would make the user able to cultivate whenever and wherever they are after they comprehend this technique, as long as there was qi in the area."

With the power of his true soul and the Authority of the world, it didn't take long before Wang Tian had the preliminary of the technique.

"This is a bit different than I expected!" Wang Tian was a bit surprised at the result.

Rather than calling it a cultivation technique, it would be more accurate to call it a cultivation concept since every user would inevitably cultivate using their own understanding of the technique and would actually create a new cultivation technique in the process.

"A bit more adjustments should do..."

After a few more changes here and there, it was finally done.

[Heaven's Harmony]


Wang Tian didn't know if he should be happy or disappointed.

The technique was great!

It might be the greatest technique he had ever made! Even though this was only the second one after the one he gave to Liu Kong...

But after it was created, Wang Tian still couldn't help wanting to cultivate it as well!

It's just that, he doesn't have a real flesh-and-blood body... He was here in the mortal world in the form of an energy clone with a little part of his consciousness.

Even then, his 'true body' as to say, was only a soul form!

Which was somehow strengthened by the world when he first arrived, luckily or unluckily, that also made him no longer have a need for a physical body!

"Sigh." After another sigh, Wang Tian decided to think about it in the future. Creating a real physical body should be on the list of things to do in the future. Although he could still cultivate with only his soul, Wang Tian felt like his way of cultivation would be a little bit different and wouldn't be how he wanted.

After making a mental note for the future, Wang Tian takes an in-depth review of the technique he just created.

A few moments later, Wang Tian nodded his head. Clearly satisfied with the result.

Without even calling out to Lin Mufa, Wang Tian flicks his hand and shoots a ray of light toward Lin Mufa in the distance, that ray of light hit straight at the back of Lin Mufa's head who was still raising his axe to hit the wood.

When the ray of light hit, Lin Mufa's axe stopped in mid-air, he was stunned.

His mind was then got dumped with a lot of profound knowledge about the world. Strangely, he could understand the knowledge like he already knew what it was all about.

All this knowledge allows him to see and understand how the world work and moves, but he couldn't describe it, he just felt it.

He felt like he was part of the world. He moves along with the world but is still independent of the world. More knowledge soon entered his mind about how to cultivate and some other things.

It took a while before Lin Mufa was awakened out of his stunned state.

"Cultivate well." Wang Tian's voice sounded in Lin Mufa's ear who had just awakened.

Still a bit shocked, Lin Mufa recognized the young master's voice and turns around only to see no one near him. In the distance, Lin Mufa could see the young master was still sitting in front of the house, basking under the sun.

As if feeling his gaze, the young master looks and nodded at him while saying,

"In the future, I have some errands for you to do."

In return, Lin Mufa bowed hurriedly and muttered, "Yes, young master."

Even though he only replied softly, he didn't doubt Young Master Wang could hear it. He felt like he should get used to the way the young master did things, however surprising it would be.

'Since the young master told me to cultivate well, I shall do so. Perhaps I could have my revenge...'

Lin Mufa was lost in thought for a bit before he turns around to continue his work. This time, he would cut the trees while cultivating using the technique the young master gave him.

[Heaven's Harmony]

It was similar to how Wang Tian gave Liu Kong's breathing technique, the user would only know about the subsequent stages after they reach a stage prior to whatever stage it was.

Since Lin Mufa was just a mortal, he could only know about the Qi Condensation stage and how to advance in this stage currently.

Lin Mufa didn't know it, but the technique have no instruction whatsoever. There's just the knowledge about the cultivation stages and the details about said stages.

Although there's no instruction, Lin Mufa knew he could cultivate.

It's just a feeling.

But that feeling could indeed help him cultivate. [Heaven's Harmony] relies on the feeling to connect with the world. To harmonize with the world.

As Lin Mufa tries to recall the feeling from earlier, it took a while before he could successfully connect with the world.

Lin Mufa took an unconscious deep breath when he succeed.

And he lets it out feeling refreshed.

Too fresh that he felt like he had just gotten more younger and energetic!

After a few more breaths to adjust, Lin Mufa moves to the position and swings the axe in his hands toward the tree in front of him.




With each swing, Lin Mufa feels like he wouldn't run out of energy.