Chapter 27 - Cultivating

While Lin Mufa continues to chop the trees, he was also absorbing qi into his body in a slow and steady manner.

The qi circulates and seeps throughout his body, before finally resting in his dantian. This action strengthens his body which wouldn't happen so easily with other cultivation techniques. The impurities within his body had also been purified somehow.

All of this happened so smoothly!

And this was the result of harmonizing with the world!

With this, even though Lin Mufa didn't need to consciously absorb qi, he could still cultivate like this all the time!

He just has to maintain the state of harmonizing with the world, but this part was easy.

The only thing he had to avoid was getting unconscious.

If he was unconscious, he obviously wouldn't be able to maintain this state.

This kind of cultivation was not the same as the usual way of cultivation. [Heaven's Harmony] was not a technique that forcibly take the qi from the world. It was a technique that made the qi of the world willingly enter one's body. When the body reached the limit of the qi that can be absorbed, the qi will stop fusing with the body. It was also the time to think about advancing to the next stage.

Of course, advancing to the next stage requires the user to do it himself, the only thing the user doesn't have to care about is how the qi gets absorbed. If the user wanted to speed up absorbing the qi, it can be done but would require the user to split some more of their focus to manually absorb the qi while also harmonizing with the world.

Lin Mufa was improving in every way. His body, his spirit, and even his talent!

Currently, he was only harmonizing with the world because he was still at the initial stage of [Heaven's Harmony], he was also still trying to familiarize himself.

Lin Mufa could already start to harmonize with the world if he was just given the technique, but to harmonize with the world and do simple activities with it would require the user to reach the initial stage.

If Wang Tian didn't help to shove the technique into Lin Mufa's mind, bringing him directly to the initial stage, who knows how long he would reach the initial stage.

[Heaven's Harmony] was a special technique after all. Since Wang Tian created this technique, the user doesn't have to worry about any side effects. But the entry point to reach the initial stage was also higher since this technique was currently the highest grade technique that was ever created in the whole world. Immortal World included.

At the initial stage, Lin Mufa could already use the technique while doing some simple activities. If he was to be in an intense situation such as fighting, the state could be broken easily.

When Lin Mufa has a small mastery of the technique, he could then be in an intense fight without worrying about the state being broken.

And before Lin Mufa could try to absorb qi manually, he would need to reach the great mastery stage.

Then it would get easier as he increases his mastery over the technique, to the point where using [Harmony's Heaven] will become like breathing. At that point, he wouldn't even notice that he had been harmonizing all the time.

But it would still take quite a long time before Lin Mufa could do it.

Meanwhile, as Lin Mufa harmonizes with the world while continuing his activity, time passes.

When the qi inside his dantian was filled to the brim in the first few days, two kinds of knowledge appeared in his mind.

Condense the qi in his body to a liquid state, or break the layers in his dantian first.

Breaking the layers was actually not required to advance to the Foundation Building stage. It's just that, if there was not enough qi to gather and condense, the process would be so slow it could take a lifetime of a mortal just to reach the early Foundation stage, especially since the lifespan of a Qi Condensation stage cultivator was just the same as mortals, 100 years give or take.

After thinking about it, Lin Mufa chose to break the layers first. The knowledge that he received also covers how to condense qi and how to break the layers in his dantian. Unfortunately, there's no specific way of doing it, the knowledge was not that detailed.

This was something Wang Tian had done deliberately.

Lin Mufa didn't know that of course.

After knowing the general direction of how to break the layers, Lin Mufa proceed to break a layer.

By controlling the qi in his dantian, he would then smash that part with all the qi he had until he run out of qi in his dantian, or until the layer breaks apart.

That was how it happen to Liu Kong and other cultivators that were breaking the layers.


One hit.

Lin Mufa didn't know this, but it was quite unprecedented to break a layer in one hit. Even Liu Kong who had broken Nine layers took a couple of tries just to break a layer.

But Lin Mufa didn't think much about this. A few days ago, he was just a mortal who looks like he would die at the hands of a bear.

After the first layer was broken nothing much changed in Lin Mufa's daily life. Every day he would still be chopping some trees which would somehow grow back again the next morning. The first time it happened, he was at a loss. If not for the pile of wood at the front of his house he would have thought he was just dreaming.

More than two months after Lin Mufa breaks the first layer, he had finally broken all the layers of barriers that he could break, making his dantian expand to the limit that his body could handle.

There was a total of 12 layers inside his body!

At an average of five to six days per layer, Lin Mufa also breaks them at an average of 3 hits.

That was still not something the average cultivator could do!

Usually, a normal cultivator would need at least tens of times to break a layer, then they would usually run out of qi.

After that, they would need to cultivate again to fill up their dantian before they could try another attempt.

It was that kind of cycle that would also strengthen their body in the process of cultivating. At the same time, strengthening the body could also get the layers inside the dantian to get weaker as well.

As for Lin Mufa, he had basically accelerated that process countless times faster when he harmonized with the world.

As a result, Lin Mufa succeeded in cultivating to the peak of the Qi Condensation stage in just a bit more than two months!

Then, when Lin Mufa filled his dantian again after breaking the last layer, he had to take a break from chopping the trees to focus on the qi in his dantian to condense them into liquid, either that or stop harmonizing state, it was clear which was better.

It took a few tries before he could condense the first few drops of liquid qi since there was no specific instruction about it.

Wang Tian wanted each user of this technique to think about their own way of advancement.

While Lin Mufa was controlling the qi in his dantian to condense, he realized the convenience of cultivating automatically. If he could somehow do the process of condensing the qi into liquid automatically, he would be spared the hassle of doing it manually, taking much of his time that could be used doing something else.

"How can I make this work..." Lin Mufa was frowning while thinking about it.

He could have asked the young master about it, but he felt like he shouldn't bother the young master about this.

"Young master should've known about this. If the young master didn't include this part of knowledge in the technique, that means I should think about it on my own."

Lin Mufa had to stop everything he was doing to focus on thinking about this.

He even had to stop harmonizing using [Heaven's Harmony].

Just after he deactivate the harmonizing state, Lin Mufa felt like everything was so clear.

"[Heaven's Harmony]!" Lin Mufa's eyes lit up!


"But how..." the frown appears again on his eyebrows.

"The feeling when I harmonize with the world..."

"It was like I am a part of the world."

"That's it!"

"If I am a part of the world, then I have to make the qi in the dantian become a part of me."

Lin Mufa then proceeded to focus on the qi in his dantian.

Tries after tries of harmonizing with the qi in his dantian.

Finally, after he succeeded, he could somehow sense some kind of extension of himself in his dantian.

It was a different feeling.

If his dantian was akin to a mouth, the qi used to be food that entered his mouth. He could spit it out, and he could consume the food, but it was not actually a part of him until he consume it.

This time, the qi had become like the tongue in his mouth, it becomes a part of him that he could control freely. And different from the tongue, he could still consume this qi extension in his dantian.

After that first connection, Lin Mufa started to familiarize himself with this newfound connection with the qi in his dantian.

Then he begins to move the qi in his dantian to condense into a liquid state.