Chapter 28 - Lin Mufa's First Outing

Lin Mufa made another attempt to condense the qi, much like his initial endeavor. He gradually gathered the qi in his dantian, focusing on bringing it to a singular point until it transformed into a liquid state. This task demanded Lin Mufa's full attention.

At first, he struggled with the process, grappling to achieve the desired outcome. Fortunately, his spirit had grown stronger through continuous harmonization with the world, allowing him to allocate some of his focus to this task. However, Lin Mufa aimed to streamline the process, mirroring the efficiency of his harmonization with the world. By doing so, he would have more mental power to attend to other matters. Currently, the majority of his attention is consumed by the conversion of his qi.

Lin Mufa needed to master the control of the qi in his dantian, synchronizing it with the external qi—an arduous task indeed. After numerous attempts, he finally succeeded!

Lin Mufa discovered that he had to induce a vortex in his dantian, enabling it to absorb the incoming qi. Consequently, all the qi entering his dantian would converge at the bottom, steadily filling it with liquid qi. The vortex would continue its ceaseless motion until his dantian brimmed with the precious substance.

Unbeknownst to Lin Mufa, this technique bore similarities to the one given to Liu Kong. However, Lin Mufa had ingeniously figured it out independently, with slight modifications that facilitated automatic synchronization, unlike Liu Kong's manual and energy-draining approach.

Having achieved success, Lin Mufa proceeded to familiarize himself with the process while carrying out his daily tasks and activities. Drop by drop, his qi gradually transformed into a liquid state.

Meanwhile, Wang Tian paid little attention to Lin Mufa's efforts, distracted with his own affairs. Only when Lin Mufa reached the early Foundation stage would Wang Tian direct his focus toward him.

Wang Tian returned to his observation of the mortal realm, finding solace in witnessing the lives of its inhabitants. Yet, at times, this world felt distant and unreal to him. It was understandable, considering that Wang Tian, fundamentally, was still a person from Earth. Despite the transformation and strengthening of his soul through his creation of this world, his essence remained rooted in his origins.

Initially, Wang Tian had embarked on his observation purely out of boredom, as he familiarized himself with the Authority of the World. He had no concrete plans for the future at that time—or at least, none that had crossed his mind.

However, this time, as he contemplated stirring up some chaos in the world, Wang Tian sought to identify a suitable starting point, perhaps a small region. Simultaneously, he considered the possibility of recruiting individuals to join his faction.

Not just anyone could become a part of his followers. While he had the ability to select those with destined fates, he preferred to follow his whims and recruit individuals based on his mood.

After a while, Wang Tian concluded his observations of the nearby kingdom, which was teetering on the brink of chaos due to internal strife. For now, he chose to remain an observer, refraining from interference. If he desired, he could intervene, either by sending Lin Mufa or by manipulating certain individuals—an effortless task for him. Or if he really wanted, he could appear directly inside the kingdom to do his bidding.

Time slipped away unnoticed as he continued to observe the lives of the people.

One day, while Wang Tian had been neglecting his attention to Lin Mufa, he sensed a distinct change in the atmosphere. It carried a palpable pressure as if a mortal was undergoing a transformative process, ascending to a higher state of being.

Gazing into the distance, Wang Tian's eyes fell upon Lin Mufa, who was indeed undergoing a remarkable transformation, transcending into a higher realm of existence.

Lin Mufa was advancing to the early Foundation Building stage!

The quality of his qi had risen, it was filled with more density and power.

At the same time, this liquid qi had long become an extension of him.

With his advancement, Lin Mufa could manipulate his qi more easily. He could use it to temper his body and use spells. Unfortunately, he still had no idea how.

Wang Tian didn't give anything about things like that to him. Lin Mufa could either figure it out himself or he could still ask Wang Tian about it, but it was not certain if Wang Tian would tell him anything.

Still sitting in front of the house, Wang Tian probes Lin Mufa's dantian from the distance.

"I guess he could get some fresh air now," Wang Tian smiled.

"Come see me!" his voice echoed in Lin Mufa's ears.

Lin Mufa who had been adjusting his newfound strength, finished up and went to see Wang Tian.

"Since you've reached the Foundation Building stage, you can go down the mountain. Don't stay cooped up all the time." said Wang Tian when Lin Mufa arrived.

"Have a look around the area and do as you see fit!"

"Yes, young master!" replied Lin Mufa who bowed and left immediately without missing a beat.

When leaving the place, Lin Mufa brought the axe with him.

Wang Tian looked at Lin Mufa's back as he left the village on foot.

Looking at the area around the mountain, Wang Tian could see the bandits that raided Lin Mufa's village was planning to raid another village.

Since the kingdom was in a bit of internal strife, the villains were taking advantage of it.

"A perfect target for practice."

Wang Tian moved his gaze and saw Lin Mufa waving his axe towards some bushes while walking through the woods, going down the mountain. Since there was no path, Lin Mufa had to trailblaze a new path, which he was doing quite fast and violently. He was still familiarizing himself with his strength.

After a few minutes, Lin Mufa reached the bottom of the mountain. Such a feat was not something mere mortal could do.

While he was going down the mountain, he was thinking about where he should go.

Since Wang Tian told him to go out with no specific goal, he was a bit confused.

However, after he was out of the woods, he decided to go and see the village he was from.

And off he goes. It didn't take long before he saw his village. What's left of it at least.

After he arrived at the ruins of the village, Lin Mufa stood silently in front of the village with his axe on his shoulder.

What he saw was only the remnants of the houses.

Pillaged, burned, and destroyed.

Ruins of what was once a village.

Lin Mufa felt empty, looking at the scene.

He felt angry!

A raging feeling in his heart!

The air around him seemed like they were boiling, blending with his feeling!

It went on for a while before he started to calm himself while taking a lot of cold air.

At some point, Lin Mufa's nerves calmed down.


After a sigh, Lin Mufa knew he couldn't do anything about this. It had already happened, he could only do what he could. If he hadn't run away back when his old village was attacked, he would've died as well.

If he had the power he had now back then, he could perhaps save everyone.

And since he had the power right now, Lin Mufa thought that he should do what he could to save the other village.

After making up his mind, Lin Mufa didn't think much before he started walking in the direction of another village similar in size to this one that was nearby.

It has been months since his village was raided, and the bandits' loots would usually last them a month or two before they raid another village.

After walking for half an hour, Lin Mufa stood in front of another ruin of a village.

Although he felt awful looking at the ruins, he could tell that the ruins of this village were at least two months old. This village should be the latest one that was raided by the same bandits in this area.

Thinking of the time, the bandits must've run out of supply once again and should be preparing to raid another village, or they were already raiding the next village.

Thinking about it, Lin Mufa immediately rushes to the next village near this one.

If he could arrive on time, the bandits would already be done raiding the village or he could still make it on time.

In just a few minutes of running, Lin Mufa arrived at the village that was currently fighting the bandits!

There were villagers running everywhere while screaming chased by bandits with swords in their hands.

Some villagers were trying to resist the bandits!

There was chaos everywhere!

When Lin Mufa arrived, he didn't say anything and ran straight to the nearest bandits he could find.

The bandit was moving closer to a villager fallen on the ground and was about to stab the villager.

Approaching said bandit from behind, Lin Mufa raised his axe and swung the axe at the bandit's neck!



A head fell on the ground while letting out blood everywhere.

The villagers on the ground screamed, adding more noise to the already chaotic environment.

Without saying a word to the villager, Lin Mufa went straight to the nearest bandit.

Rinse and repeat.