Chapter 1: Writer in Suburban

Spacing out, a notification popped up on my phone. I looked at it.

------Hello Great_XiaoCheng, you can have the permissions to open folders and files, but first ARE YOU A ROBOT ?-----

Yes No

The option has yes and no with it, I clicked the NO button. Another pop window appeared with a count down.

-----Please type the following in the box if you are not a robot AET92182XVLAPQOW----

10 seconds…




I took a deep breath, even I'm in a I-don't-know-this-big screen-and virtual keyboard place. I have to put in a captcha. I clicked on the pop-up window and a keyboard appeared right in front of me with a box to input the distorted numbers and letters of the fucking alphabet.



I typed "AET9218XVLAPQOW" on the box and enter it before the timer went zero. A sudden browser icon appeared with the name, "EVENTS"

I looked at the two folders.

The two folders- the white and black have a folder name now. The black folder has the name of the stories. The white folder has the name concepts under it.

I clicked the setting icon on the side and change the color. The black folder that has the name of stories under it is now replaced with neon red, the concept folder is now neon blue.

I click on the tablet that is still floating in front of me. Besides the writing projects, I clicked on the smile icon that directed me to a mini floating browser icon. I clicked on it and started to search for a background.

Looking at the neon sign that reads, "WRITING PROJECTS". I change my background to a gif cyberpunk pixelated art where a guy in his room with his laptop is seen, writing, and few flying cars run in the background with few neon lights of the building.

I change my screen size into a big screen size, it's much nice to see the gif background. My eyes landed on the red neon folder and I reached my hand. My eyes widened as I felt a pressure that is sucking me in, "H-Hey"

I closed my eyes and screamed in fear as I'm being sucked in, I slowly opened my eyes and wander my eyes around.

I only see this in movies.

Being in a room with a lot of papers, files floating in the air. It all reads…

Unsolved Case: Felicia Chapter 40: Devil. Doing it for others. Find answers.

Conspire with the Demon Beast Chapter 8: Envy (Part 2)

A new notification appeared.

"Hello Great_XiaoCheng, wanting to write your stories? Simply clench both of your hands at the same time. Happy writing!"

Writing my stories? Will a keyboard appear since I can't write without a keyboard.

I looked at both of my hands and I clenched both of them, a holographic keyboard and a mini holographic blank document screen appeared, floating in front of me. There was no x button.

"H-Hey how do I close this stuff !?"

"To close the file and save the document, please say save. Clench both of your hands at the same time to open or close the keyboard and screen." The notification replied.

I clenched both of my hands at the same time and it disappeared from thin air. I heard a sudden ping on my phone. I pulled out my phone and a new notification appeared.






Note: Declining would decrease life span.

I tapped accept and clenched my fist to open my hologram keyboard and screen, I sighed as I try to remember what would be on that chapter. I started to type and slowly the room is starting to be in a new setting, I didn't mind and continued writing. I felt a sudden gust of wind touched my skin, I stopped and my eyes widened.

I clenched both of my fists to close the keyboard and look around. Tall trees aligned the road. The road is damp from the rain, leaving a dew on the leaves. My eyes landed on the car that is crashed on a big tree trunk. I walked towards it and if I'm not mistaken..

"WHAT THE FUCK" is only what I could mutter.

My eyes widened of how I correctly thought of the person in the car, a man drenched with his own crimson blood, visible marks of barb wires is seen on his neck, it was Mr.Miller--- the supporting character I made on my Unsolved Case: Felicia.

"wait a minute.." I said to myself and quickly clenched both of my fists to open my floating hologram keyboard and screen and read the chapter that I wrote in Chapter 40 of Unsolved Case: Felicia. "Mr. Miller drown in his blood, found on his car and his body was discovered around 6 PM"

I quickly fished out my phone and checked the time, "Shit!"

It was 6 pm. I'm... I'm inside Chapter 40 that I wrote.

"HEY, YOU, WHO ARE YOU !!" Someone shouted, I slowly turned around and it was the police. Sweating profusely, I clenched my fist to close the appeared window, I quickly ran in the opposite direction and went to the woods.

"HEY GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT" the Police shouted and chasing behind me. I quickly turned left where a lot of bushes are placed. My heart is pounding as I heard the footsteps of the police, I quickly clenched my fist and added "Dumpster " to the chapter.

"WH- Where did he go !?" the police said.

"How could he just vanish in thin air?" The police started to look at the bushes, "If he is hiding, he could be found"

The Police saw a big dumpster that is placed in the middle of the woods and cautiously approached it. The police open the dumpster, scrunching his face of the smell, and close it.

"Let's move"

"But we haven't found the perso—"

"We are probably hallucinating, I never even seen a man before that has a floating keyboard"

The police talked as they went out of the scene. I removed the trash bag that was on top of me. I got out of the dumpster.

"Eugh..that worked well because I'm a trash?" I said to myself and laughed. My clothes were dirty and smelled like garbage.

Never seen a man before who has a floating keyboard, I scoffed.

I'm the fucking creator of this story. A ping is heard on my phone, a notification alerted.


My eyes widened in fear and clenched my fist to started writing about Chapter 40. A few minutes later, I saved my work at a word count: 700. It was 7:00 PM and I went out to walk around the neighborhood.

First, I was in the woods. As I reached my word count, I'm already here in Maple Suburban—a suburban where my main character lived. A non-supporting character from my story, the typical person in the neighborhood--A girl with her friend, "is it just me or that guy looks like garbage" her friend said.

"Why I even made characters that don't say nice things" I silently said to myself. The girl with her friend halted as they saw a character from the neighborhood.

I added a dumpster again on the chapter, I grabbed the garbage inside, threw them outside and I climbed inside. I closed the lid and use my phone as a flashlight.

"I guess I'll spend my vacation in this FUCKING DUMPSTER !!" I shouted in anger, I defeatedly sighed and opened up my hologram keyboard with a screen to start writing, I kept writing and writing until I reached the word count.

"Phew.." I sighed in relief that I was done, "Now to Publish." I tapped the "Publish Button" on the hologram screen.



Next Page.

A smile tugs on my face, a writer would felt happy if they reached their word counts. Next page? I clicked on the next page to see what would happen next. Another notification appeared.





Tired from writing, I couldn't even react. I closed my hands at the same time to close the keyboard and stayed silent.

I need.. a minute.

"FFFFFFFFFFFUCKK !!" Shane shouted and his voice is echoed in the neighborhood.