Chapter 2: Writer on Panic

I started typing on my dumpster until morning, I have already typed 500 Words and saved it. I need a break, I just can't straightly write the chapters--it would result in a half-ass chapter.

I pulled out my phone and looked at the time, it's already 3:45 am in the morning, my eyes are about to shut and I doze off to sleep.

The sounds of the kids laughing are heard outside Shane's dumpster, few people walking around are heard, it's probably morning. I jolted as I heard my alarm ring.

"Oh, fuck me in the ass..." I said as I hit my head on top of the dumpster. I opened the dumpster and climbed out.

"Uhhh..." I heard someone said to me from behind. I slowly turned around and my eyes widened... This is too early for us to meet.

"I never knew someone finds it comforting to sleep on the dumpster. How much is your rent on the dumpster?" a black-haired girl with blue eyes laughed with trash bags in her hands, Lilith. Why did I make such a sarcastic character?

My face went blank and stared at Lilith for a minute, how my main character just sarcastically to talk to me like that. I closed the dumpster and thought about things such as "why I made a character that is sometimes based on my personality" and "why I make such almost realistic situation on my stories"

I should have to think what's my main character's personality, probably a lot of writers would think much of what kind of personality does their main character has, while I would suffer to deal with my main characters.

It's like dealing with another "me"

I climbed out from the dumpster, Lilith just looks at me, tears were in her eyes from laughing. She walks towards the dumpster and put the trash bag inside, I took a deep breath.

"Hey, dum---"

"Leave me be, pleaseeeeee!" I said, cutting Liltih's sentence and ran away in the opposite direction.

Lilith's eyes are still on Shane as Shane runs away.

"He seems familiar," Lilith said as she heads back to her house.

My stomach suddenly growls, I looked around the next neighborhood, a small town.

I'm sure there would be a place here where I can eat, I wrote it in my story. My eyes landed on a yellow with brown trim store, " The Pancake Stompers"

That's the store Lilith ate her breakfast while finding the truth about Felicia's sister.

Thinking about pancakes, I'm not in the mood for that. My eyes landed on a Japanese theme local restaurant. Bingo.

A bamboo-like wall with a Japanese tapestry that reads, "Welcome".

I walked towards the restaurant and halted. the store reads, "Nippon.

Your Japanese cuisine restaurant"

I went inside and I'm greeted with subtle chatters from the customers, wearing Japanese yukata. The waiters are also wearing a yukata.

"Iasshaimase, Okyakusama"

As a half-Japanese, I knew what the waiter said. She isn't fluent with her Japanese, they're still a foreign accent.

I nodded and smile. She walks towards me and smell me, I'm embarrassed that she noticed that I smell like garbage. Fortunately, my smell hasn't reached the customers, or else.. I'll be the one scaring them off.

"Wait here," she said as she walks away. A chick with a yukata just ran away, my decision of being inside the dumpster is the worst one.

"Here," she said as she came back, she handed me a black yukata.

"This on the house. Every customer will have a free yukata" she said with a smile. "T-thank you" I said as I took it from her.

"Would you like to dress for a secon.."

I cut her sentence off, "I'm sorry but is there any shower room here?"

Was it being too shameless? I have nowhere to go to take a shower.

"I'm glad you asked. That way, you can use it," she said as she points at the back of the restaurant. I nodded and headed to the back.

As I finished taking a bath, my clothes were gone. Where could they be? I looked at the yukata the waitress gave me, I grabbed and wear it with no ease.

I miss wearing one. I walked out and head back inside the restaurant.

"Okya--" The chick stopped her sentence as she stares at me. My hair is on slick-back leaving few strands on front and wearing a black yukata, does she find me...

"So... handsome" I heard her mutter.

"Thank you by the way for letting me use the shower room," I said with a smile, she smiled back with a red tint visible on her cheeks.

"You're welcome, Okyakusama. Anyway, this way please" she said as she leads me to a vacant table.

"Kochira-desu" I said as she leads me the way, she looked behind me.

"It means, this way in Japanese. The "u" in desu is silent. Some people say it's desu but usually, it is silent u."

"Oh, okay. Arigatou" she replied with a smile.


I cut her sentence off, "You can talk in your own language" I said with a smile.

She smiles back and gave me a menu book, I flipped it open and look for what should I eat. All of the prices were cheap to me. The prices are equal to my cup of noodles.

"What would you like to eat for today?" she asked as she pulls out her notepad, "I'd like a Miso Ramen"

"Okay, the hokkaido style?"

I nodded, "yep"

"Anything else?"

"That's all"

"Please, wait here" and she walks away.

I sighed as I think about my next chapter. All I want is to go for a vacation while writing the chapters to make me relaxed.

"I haven't seen you around here, kid. What's your name?"

My eyes widened as I heard that voice, it was the owner of the shop. A man around his 50s, wearing a white long-sleeve and white skirt-like apron and looked at me.

"I'm Shane" I replied.

"Shane..that sounds like someone..a creator of.. hmm.." the owner replied as he thinks.

"Sh-Shane McSullivan" I replied. This is an advantage as writers that you can straightly think a name.

"Oh, alright"

"Sorry for the wait" my eyes looked at the side, the chick with a noodle in hand said as she walked towards my direction.

"here are your noodles !" she said. I smiled and she walks away to talk with the customers.

"That's on the house' the owner said, "Just enjoy it."

I smiled, "Arig--Thank you," I said as he walked away. I started eating the noodles slowly because I wanted to enjoy them.

"Oh, here are your clothes. Sorry that it suddenly poofed out of sight." she said as she handed me my clothes. My eyes widened at how clean my shirt is, I took it from her hand.

"T-thank you"

"You're welcome" and she walks away again. I continued eating when I felt a sudden vibration in my pocket.

I grabbed my phone in my pockets and looked at it, My eyes widened at what I saw.


I hurriedly swallowed my boiling hot noodles instantly and ran away, I went back to my dumpster and Lilith was still there.

"HEY, THERE STINKY BUTT !" Lilith called me.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT IM BUSY ?" I replied. Even though I miss wearing yukata, I have no choice but to went inside the dumpster. But first, I have to take away all this trashes and change the scent of the dumpster. I scrunched up my nose as I'm inside and clench my fist to start typing.

Lilith was about to walk away until she heard Shane typing, she stopped and turned around on the dumpster.

"what the fuck, does he have a computer..?" Lilith asked herself.

She slowly approached the dumpster. Shane is busy typing that matches his intense music. Shane reached up to 750 words. Lilith opens up the dumpster and saw Shane typing in a hologram floating keyboard and Screen. Shane slowly looked at her, Lilith was speechless at what she saw.

She just stared at Shane with her blank eyes, Shane slowly started typing again while looking at her.

"UHH SORRY OCCUPIED" Shane said to her and closed the lid, she silently backed away.

"what the fuck did I just saw" She questioned herself and head back to her home, "What the fuck... was it really a hologram keyboard? I mean, it's cool but... what the fuck"

Shane reached up to 1006 words a minute later and ended it with a "Chapter 41 End"

He quickly saved it and published it.


try again.

cancel publish.

An Error Popped Up with a Try Again button, Shane started sweating profusely and pressed the try again button.

It still didn't publish, Shane started panicking inside the dumpster.

A new notification alerted Shane. he quickly grabbed his phone to read the notification.


Shane started screaming inside the dumpster, panicking.

Was the decision of eating earlier is the worst decision I made? I just want to relax