Chapter 15: Editor's Picks

April 10

I lean against my tent and click the link from the email they sent me. I press the submit button and sent my entry that reached the word count, I looked up to the sky and close the hologram keyboard.

The subtle sound of keyboard tapping filled the mini room, a sudden notification appeared on the hologram screen.

"Hmmm, Breaking Point: God's messenger?" a man around his mid-twenties said as he pressed on a newly submitted entry.

"I'm sure that we announced that the theme is Starting Point," he said to himself. His eyes move left to right as he read the prologue, his eyes widened of the prologue.

He started to scroll and read more, intrigued. A smile tugs on his lips, impressed by the entry. He closed the hologram screen and head out from his office.

The sound of the chatters is heard as the man came inside the room. A room filled with The Scripturient's League logo pattern on the wall.

"Oh, Brayden. You're late" a woman around her early 20's said as she scrolled on her hologram tablet and float it in the air, looking at Brayden.

"Sorry about that" Brayden said as he sits.

"Alright! Since we are all here, tell me entries that are worthy to be qualified " A brown loose-wavy haired woman, Karyle Ashmore said. The Chief Editor of The Scripturient's League.

"Let's start with you, Jason" Karyle offered, Jason opens his hologram table.

"I found these three entries, they're intriguing. The world-building is great too" and started to swipe the pages and sent them to Karyle.

"Grammar is great" Jason added.

"Who are the authors?" Karyle asked as she look at the entries from what Jason send.

"CodeZero-0, _WordsWrecker and Jin Tufo" Jason replied as he leaned on his chair.

"On CodeZero-0 entry entitled, Battle of Belief: Epic's Adventure. The main character went on an adventure for its starting point. The world-building is great." and Karyle swipe on the second entry.

"The Must Defeat Evil within Us from _WordsWrecker is quite intriguing. It's a horror entry, It's like a starting point of the main character after he knew he is the villain after all the quest."

Karyle nodded and swipe on the page, "Rise of the Sovereign Lord?"

Jason nodded, "Yeah, the main character is your typical weak to strong character but the world-building is great"

"How about you, Khloe?" Karyle asked.

A blonde women around her 20s named Khloe swipe up her tablet, sending the three entries to Karyle. The three entries flew towards Karyle's tablet.

"Buttoniswriting, midsunnyshine and Alevtina_Sasori"

"The entry entitled Author, I'm trapped from Buttoniswriting is quite intriguing. The main character played all the heroine her favorite author has written, it's also fun"

Karyle nodded as she swipes to see the other 2 entries.

"The entry of The Legend of Breakfire from misunnyshine is an interesting entry for a fantasy romance. As you can read the prologue, the main character is a girl that is forced to come out of her shell and assigned to kill the Death Six so that they won't destroy her father's gaming company forever. It's interesting to read for the reason that the mc is "scientific minded".

Karyle swiped the last entry, The Prince in Disguise entry from Alevtina_Sasori is my favorite. The female lead is a crossplayer. The female lead cosplayed Bakasta from Demon Sword anime and met the male lead that cosplayed as the captain of the squad. They personally met on the convention and became a couple after few chapters and the female lead didn't know that the male lead is a prince. " Khloe narrated.

"The author's writing style hooked me and add the characters. I've never read a story about cosplayers before and as you read the prologues, it could intrigued the readers. The author wrote on her synopsis, "I never knew that my cosplayer boyfriend is a prince" it is like a starting point to the female lead who never had a boyfriend before and just like to cosplay as a guy for fun. The scenes the author wrote are cute too, the female lead is quite bad-ass as she first met the male lead" she added. "Totally my cup of tea"

Karyle nodded, "Alright. Yours, Brayden?"

"5 entries is what interest me" Brayden said as he sent the entries to Karyle.

"5 of them?" Karyle asked as she saw the entries Brayden sent her.

Brayden nodded as he swipes his tablet and send it to Karyle, "The authors were TigerFist, Quan Chi, Kim Daiki, LordMattheus and Great_XiaoCheng"

"But I'd like to focus on Great_XiaoCheng's entry"

Karyle swiped and read the entry, "Breaking Point: God's messenger by Great_XiaoCheng?"

Brayden nodded, "The author hooked me on the prologue. I'd also like to say that it's different from the entries that I've read. It's also unique due to the reason that the author didn't hook me on world-building instead it hooked me on the character's emotion. I thought it was a slice of life but the author twists it, it was fantasy when an angel came, offered him a contract after he almost killed himself"

"Intriguing" Karyle said as she put intertwine her hands. "Go on"

"The MC faced a lot of difficulties, I even admired the main character from his determination of saving his ill mother. It was a read"

"I see, Brayden. But as we have known, Great_XiaoCheng isn't quite known." Khloe said. "And what is the starting point of the entry he sent?"

"The starting point of the entry he sent is from the day the main character lost himself. The main character is tired from the world after he lost his parents and--"

"Okay but Brayden, Great_XiaoCheng doesn't update regularly on his books. It's been years that he haven't updated his last book as I remember. I thought he isn't writing" Khloe added

"He is slow at updating, he also has grammatical errors on his book. His writing skill isn't quite good." Jason said, scrolling on his hologram tablet.

"Slow updates and writing skill isn't good, I can say he isn't qualified" Jason added and looked at Brayden.

"I agree on that, I also remember that he doesn't regularly update his books however we can't deny the fact that his works were interesting" Brayden said, "Well, to me at least"

"But if he is qualified, he might not survive"

"He might survived" Jason said "I'm on Great_XiaoCheng's profile and his books were not popular enough for everyone. He has different genre and type of stories but I'll not deny that his stories is great to be notice by everyone"

"His stories were interesting enough but not a cup of tea to everyone" Brayden said with a smile, "I will not also deny that he has potential. We must qualify him"

"Karyle, any thoughts?" Brayden asked.

Karyle scrolled on Great_XiaoCheng's profile, a smile tugs on her lips. "It's true that Great_XiaoCheng is slow and lazy at updating his stories. He must have his own reasons of his slow updates but as I've read the entry, I'm hooked. Attached with the main character even"

"Let's qualify Great_XiaoCheng and the other writers"