Chapter 16: Great_XiaoCheng's Teammates

I opened my eyes and it was already morning, I hopped off the dumpster and walked toward the tent to get my last bag of chips and eat it as my breakfast. I yawned as I grabbed a chip from the bag and slowly munch it.

I lay my back against the tent and look at the game consoles that are on the floor, I pulled out my phone as I suddenly felt a vibration and a notification ring.

"From: The Scripturient's League

Good day, writers!

We, The Scripturient's League Editors, have read all your entries. We handpicked entries that truly interest us. We can't wait to send you a notification anytime if you are qualified, congratulations!

To those who haven't receive a notification, we apologize however we encourage you to join another contest again! Thank you for joining, writers!

- The Scripturient's League Team Editors

A post was uploaded by the League.

Comments flooded in.

Aspiring_JKRowling: hope I qualified.

Speedy_Trevor: Damn, I think I won't be qualified.

_Alexandre23: Congrats to the writers who'll be qualified.

ShenFeng: Congratulations to the writers that receive a qualified message from The Scripturient's League.

I put my phone down and continually eat my chips, nervously munch it. After a few minutes, I looked back to my phone and suddenly received a message.

Congratulations, our Scripturient Writer!

I opened up the notification and slowly read the whole email thread.

"Congratulations, Great_XioCheng! We are honored to announce that you are one of the writers that are qualified for The Scripturient's League competition qualifiers! Your Breaking Point: God's messenger hooked The Scripturient's League Editors due to the reason of the main character's emotion, you submitted a depressing prologue along with its other chapters however please improve your grammar and tenses. You will be assigned to a group with 4 people please click Teammates"

A smile is formed on my lips, My eyes widened with joy and happiness as I read the notification. This is just the first time I'm able to be qualified in The Scripturient's League contest. I tapped the Teammate button and slowly read all my teammate's names.

"Great_Xiaoacheng! You are part of the low rank-writers. Your assigned team members were named as:

Jin Tofu

Kim Daiki

Quan Chi

Alevtina _Sasori.

They'll be your teammates until the termination day of writers where one of you will be eliminated from the team.

Note: The termination day will be the day where you could know that you leveled up and be part of the other writer's team. The other writer teams is classified as (Medium, High and Legendary) or all your points, stats were gone to zero and you have to do your best to level up with your life-span.

Have a pleasant day to meet with your team mates! Congratulations, Great_XiaoCheng. All the best along with your teammates.

"Oh this is cool, I cant wait to meet them" I said to myself excitedly, a new notification appeared on my phone.

"Great_XiaoCheng! To meet your teammates, swipe up this portal image"

An image of a rectangular neon blue with violet hues portal is attached on the notification. I swipe it up and the portal is in front of me, my eyes widened.

I squinted my eyes as I slowly step inside, blinded from the violet neon lights of the unknown world I step in.

Loud bangs of fireworks, cheering and chatters enveloped the environment, I looked to my back and the portal closes by itself. I looked around and a lot of people gathered, some were laughing and have a happy expression on their faces as they hug a person that came towards their small group.

The neon blue and violet floodlights are the light source of the stadium-like place, I looked up as I saw a shadow cast over the ground. A zeppelin is seen floating from the sky, it reads "The Scripturient's League"

I looked sideways and few cheers of the people filled the place. Lot of people, wearing hoodies like me with an animal icon.

"Told you that you will be qualified!" I looked at my side and saw a blonde haired guy, wearing a hoodie with Ocelot animal icon on his back and wrapped his arms to a guy that also have an Ocelot icon.

"I told you that you have the great plot on your entry, let's go meet the others" the person said as he yank the guy, walking through the group of people that is busy chattering and laughing.

"You must be one of our teammate" I heard someone behind me.

I turned around and saw a dark brown-haired guy crossing his arms across his chest with a smirk on his face standing between the 3 people. A choppy, medium-toned, white-haired guy with red bangs that has a big smile on its face, waving at me. A black-haired guy wearing glasses with a serious expression on his face, looking at me and a long black-haired girl with blue highlights visible on her hair, looking at the other groups of people. All of them were wearing a light yellow colored hoodie with a small sloth animal icon on the right side of the chest.

"Welcome to the group!"