Chapter 21: Writing time

"Okay, let me read it again." Sasori said as she read the one-shot story they made.

"Guess, its okay" Jin Tofu said as he finishes reading the one-shot story.

"Let's sendddd itt. We got only 4 hours left" Kim Daiki said as he looked at his phone with The Scripturient's League set the timer.

Shane and Quan Chi looked at each other and nodded and Shane sent the email attached with the members' names. As they submitted the entry, a sudden notification appeared on the hologram screen.

[ Good day, writers! We'd like to announce that we will be extending the time submission of your entry, we'll also extend the word count. The word count must reach up to 15k words. Deadline: Aug 4, 8pm ]

Note from The Scripturient Editor: Make it as interesting as possible. With your entry, you'll compete it with the other writer's team. The Scripturient's Editor wouldn't mind what kind of narration you will use. First or Third Point of View, write it!

"So, we will have... 2 days left? Why does it have to be rush though?"

"With the time given, our writing quality would flonk" Quan Chi said and put his phone back.

"Agree to that. I took a week to even finish a chapter just to make it great as possible or interesting enough to my readers" Kim Daiki said.

"Won't believe you on that, I think you like to procrastinate enough"

Kim Daichi shut his mouth and gave Quan Chi a look, "I procrastinate but not really procrastinate."

"an hour to chill and 15 minutes to write. Not a good habit, Kim"

As the two talk, Shane looked at the hologram screen. The entry that they wrote already reached up to 8k words, "Are you sure that this is the final entry, guys?"

Sasori looked at Shane, "Yeah. The thought of ninja on cyberpunk city is kind of awesome and we will only add few more words to reach the required word count"

"Yep, I agree on Alevtina Sasori" Jin said and smile at Sasori. Sasori rolled her eyes.

"Do you have doubts on it, XiaoCheng?" Kim Daiki asked Shane. Shane slowly shake his head, "No, I just.."

"You are just what?" Quan Chi asked.

"Nothing. Anyway, we'll be editing this one right? Earlier was just the rough editing"

Sasori nodded, "Yeah. We'll edit it and maybe add more something on the plot. Something interesting"

"Heard you are a romance writer, Sasori. Never thought you had a thing on fantasy and sci-fi vibe genres" Jin said and sit on the bean bag, opening his phone.

"I'm a flexible kind of writer, Jin Tofu. I can work on any kind of genre"

"Damn, wish I'm like you" Jin replied, still on his phone, scrolling. "You guys hungry? Got 3.0 rating right now. The Scripturient's League notified me that my ratings is being added"


"Congraaats, Jin Tofu" Kim said cheerily.

"Not hungry though. Besides, I have a lot of things to do aside from editing our entry"

"Like what?"

"Writing the chapters for my book. I've been notified that I need to meet the deadline for the two books I've wrote." Sasori said and clench her fist as the hologram screen appeared.

"Can we guys go somewhere, hang out and explore?" Jin Tofu asked.

"You've already explore along with the --"

"But it would be nice if we guysss explore, I'm sure you all have concepttt in each chapter" Kim said. "You coming right, XiaoCheng?"

Shane looked up, "Oh. Sorry, guys" and looked back to his hologram screen, continued to type. " I have to.. meet the deadlines. The unfinished book that I wrote needs new chapters"

"You don't do stockpiles?" Jin Tofu asked.

"Nope. Anyway, you guys can go without me though. I--" Shane's sentence is cut off.

"How many chapters you need to write though?" Jin Tofu asked. "Maybe, we can help you"

"We can be your ghost writers" Quan Chi and fixes his glasses. "There was also no rules on who can write the chapters for your novel"

"Quan Chi is right though" Kim said and walked towards Shane. "So, how many chapt--16 chapters?"

"Oh, small number"

"16 is a small number to you?" Kim asked, shocked. Jin Tofu ignored Kim and open his hologram tablet by clenching his fist.

"We can write these but after that, we should chill by exploring again" Jin offered. "How many chapters do I have to write? Quan Chi and Kim should also have equal chapters.

"4 for each of us since XiaoCheng is included"

"Great, we have a mathematician. Alright, I'll right the 4 chapters. What chapters was it, XiaoCheng?" Jin Tofu asked, walked towards Shane adn looked at the chapters.

"I'll be on chapter 49 to 52" And the team started to write on Shane's unfinished book.

"How did you come up with this though? The Unsolved Case: Felicia should be one-shot right?"

Shane nodded as a reply, his eyes on the hologram screen. "Yes, a one-shot. Just had a thought about SFX makeup artist and make it disturbing as possible like their makeup skills are great and disturbing sometimes and I had a thought to make it as a one-shit story and a friend read my one-shot story and told me to make it as a novel"

"Damn, you get your concept to just... random ways?" Kim Daiki asked, his eyes on his phone typing.

"You could say that" Shane replied.

"Impressive" Quan Chi commented.

"I usually got mine by playing games" Kim Daiki said. "I often feel a loser if I failed a game and I just keep pressing the start again button an continue."

"I figured. Are you the one who wrote, Game-on: Rise of the Legend?" Jin Tofu asked and looked at Kim. Kim nodded, "Yep, I wrote that when I rise to the top as a top player. I wrote all the struggles on it"

"Dang, that's great." Shane replied. Kim Daiki just smiled, "How about you, Jin Tofu?"

"Random, sometimes just want to write for those people I hated"

"Oh, you mean like you can kill them in your novel? Cause if that's your way, I can totally damn relate" Shane said. Jin Tofu just smiled and shake his head as he typed.

"How about you, Quan Chi and Sasori?" Shane asked.

"Ladies first" Quan Chi replied, eyes fixated on the hologram screen as he types without looking on the hologram keyboard.

'I usually got my novels based on my experience or my ideal thoughts"

"So wait, that novel of yours called, "Yours to be Claim: I love you"is from who?"

"From my ideal thoughts and ideal boyfriend soon"

"Wait, you don't have a boyfriend yet?" Kim asked.

"Yeah, got a problem on that?" Kim shut his mouth and continued with the chapters for Shane. "N-No, maam"

Sasori ignored Kim. "How about you, Quan Chi?"

"Usually on the things that I like to do in my life or things that needs improvement in our world"

"That makes sense since you wrote that, World: Remake?"

Quan Chi's face lit-up, "You have read mine?"

"Came across with it and your writing quality isn't that great. There are few errors but overall, its kind of unique sci-fi genre novel"

Shane looked at his teammates as they continued to write, a group of people that he want to be friends with.