Chapter 22: Random Writer

"Thanks, guys"

"Don't mention it yet, we haven't finished writing your chapters. I wrote only 2 chapters. " Jin Tofu said and put his hand on the back of his head.

"Mannn, I want to drink that soda I saw in the cafeteria. I guess it's just 85 stars for the soda" Jin added.

"Really? Cool" Kim exclaimed.

"By the way, Shane" Kim said and looked at Shane. "I wrote 3 and a half of your book so chill yourself out" Kim said and smile.

"Thanks, Kim" Shane smiled, put his palm in front of the pad to locked their team's room and walk through the quite hallway.

"We have 4 hours to edit the entry right?" Kim asked.

Sasori nodded, "Yeah"

"I was thinking if we should plan out the characters soon" Quan Chi said.

"Plan out for what?"

"You've probably seen the pattern from The Scripturient's League system where sudden notification, reminding us to write and send another entry. I just want us to all be prepared"

"Do you often do that, Quan? Like thinking who are the main characters and what should be their personality?" Kim asked, looking at Quan Chi walking by his side.

"Yeah and also we are done writing the entry and reach the word count right, Sasori?"

"Yep. After managing the time to write the unfinished chapters of our own book projects and the time to write the entry, we are able to chill. We can proofread it again though"

"Double-checking is always a must to me," Quan Chi stated.

"About the characters, what type of characters we should write?"

"And what genre of the story should we make? Should we start the chapter weak or strong ?" Sasori asked.

"Maybe weak, so we can gain some awesome hype for the next entry?" Jin Tofu suggested.

"If wI'lllrt as strong, we wouldn't have ideaI later on so maybe in weak." Quan Chi stated. "And plus points because there is a lot to improve for the character. Reading and came across to novels that wrote strong mc is not my thing. Likeeee, where is the hype?"

"I could agree on that and oh I suggest Horror is our genre, we could gain some atmosphere later on." Shane said. "Making the Horror story disturbing as possible"

"Oh, that's a good idea Sha-" Kim Daichi was tripped by someone as he replied to Shane.

"Hey, watch your step buddy" Someone shouted at Kim, Sasori grabs Kim trying to help him get up. A mohawk guy, wearing a dark gray hoodie with the Racoon icon.

"Jesus, what the fuck man ?" Jin Tofu said to the guy who purposely tripped Kim

"l-like mind your own business dude" one of the bullies replied to Jin Tofu.

"Alright, that's it you little fucking bitch" Jin Tofu snaps and grabbed one of the Racoon team members.

"H-Hey, it was a joke, man. P-Please stop" one of the members whine and stutter.

"Your life is a goddamn joke" Jin lifts and hits one of the raccoon teams on the back.

"And you!" Jin Tofu exclaimed and looked at the dark-browned-haired guy who tripped Kim on purpose.

"You piece of shit" and push the dark-browned haired guy, caused him to unbalance and fell to the floor. Jin sits on top of him and punch his face.

"H-Hey can everyone stop, holy shit" Shane said and pull Jin away from the other writer.

"No, let me beat the fuck out of him" Jin exclaimed, trying to remove himself away from Shane.

"L-Lets get the fuck outta here !" one of the other writer's team said and ran away, dragging the dark-browned haired guy.

"Hey, get back here!" Jin Tofu exclaimed.

"Jeez,Jin. Can't you calm down?" Sasori said to Jin. Jin clench his fist and stood up.

"Leave me alone" Jin Tofu replied to Sasori and slowly walked out, leaving the team.

"Okay sure, I'll leave you for a bit but as soon as you come back, I want to see you being a nice man." Sasori replied to Jin.

"Who are those guys? He suddenly trip Kim for no reason"

"I don't know, XiaoCheng. Based on their icon, they're the racoon team. One of the low rank team writers'

"Quan Chi is correct. That team were low ranks, same as us."

"But why would they do that to Kim for no reason? Like hello, we're just walking through this hallway and tha--"

'I dont know about ButchyStrikes"

"ButchyStrikes? That's his--"

"His pen name. I know a bit about him since I saw his books joining one of the writing prompts contest but failed to win." Sasori replied and looked at her hologram tablet. "He likes to comment and leave bad reviews to the books that he hated. He don't want someone to surpass him, as much as he like, he will strike other writers with so much hate till the writer would give up" Sasori added.

"Anyway, we should go back to our quarters. Time is running and we have to write fast" and Sasori along with Quan and Kim head back.

"You guys go, I'll head to a restaurant," Shane said.

"Alright" Sasori replied and the three of them head back to the quarters. As Shane went down the hallway of the hotel, his mind is filled with the other writer teams. ButchyStrikes is kind of the writer that likes to stomp others down so that he will be one of the top.

"Horror but action? But I don't know how to write action" Shane muttered plot genres, "Horror, Action, Isekai.. System? No, System genre is too mainstream. Historical.. horror? Too common?"

Shane put his palm on the pad button near the elevator and the elevator open. He went inside with a jet-black-haired guy with blue highlights visibly seen, he is wearing a hoodie but the hood isn't worn. Shane's eyebrows raised as he looked at the guy, shaking and looks like in a rush. The jet-blacked-haired guy reached to his pockets and pulled out his phone, dialed someone.

"please please please answer the goddamn phone." the jet-blacked haired guy said, Shane's pockets suddenly vibrated. He reached for his phone to answer it.

"Wait.." The jet-blacked haired guy said as he quickly put his hand on the pad button, opening the elevator as it halted, reaching the floor.

Shane's eyes widened as he saw a glimpse of the jet-black haired as it hastily stormed out of the elevator.

"What the fuck?" Shane leaned out the elevator doorway as it closes.

"Why his face resembles me" I said to myself. A jet-blacked haired guy with blue highlights, eyes were the same as mine. I walked out of the elevator as I reached the ground floor, heading outside. I looked around as I walked through the sidewalk with tons of people walking back and forth. The flashing billboards, flying cars and motorbikes. From the traditional method of paying to everything was based on your ratings as a writer. Everything is advanced.

I halted as I saw a neon light-colored restaurant and went inside, thinking about the next plot genres. Neo Grab and Go Restaurant

Few customers wearing black pants with lots of pockets, some were from The Scripturient League writers based on the hoodies they are wearing. I looked up to the menu screen that is floating on the cash register. I scrolled down and looked at the menu, I gulped as I looked at each price. It needs 1000 stars, 900 stars, 800 stars. It's too expensive. I clicked on the search bar of the menu and went to the inexpensive food category.

Neo Grab and Go: Inexpensive Food Category

Oyakodon------ 50 stars

Gyudon --------80 stars

Yakitori ---------80 stars

Onigiri ---------- 20 stars

As I scrolled down on the expensive menu, I pulled out my phone and looked at my rating. I only have 2.8 rating, I looked back to the menu and saw a conversion of rating on the lower part of the screen. I put 2.8 and is equivalent to 150 stars. I click Gyudon and click dining in.

[ A Scripturient Writer? You could have a discount for 10% off. Enjoy your food, writer!

Note: This is official for The Scripturient Writer that has 4.0 rating]

Wow, Writers that has 4.0 ratings have it way more.

"Hello, Sir. Order confirmed. Take a seat as you wait for your order" a waiter said with a hologram earpiece said as he sorts every order form, swiping it all up in the air from the hologram tablet.

While waiting, I pulled out my phone and played some game. Suddenly, a random person sat in front of me, "Hello Mr.GreatXiaoCheng."

I looked at him and he has light black medium Hair and hollow black eyes, I ignored him and looked back to my game.

"I am a BIG fan of your book, Mr.Shane."

I feel great as he said but his vibe is telling me something different. I looked at him and give him a smile.

"Thanks" I replied and just played on my phone.

"My name is Hiroyuki Kenpachi and my Pen-name is Zetsobou_Keni" he said, reaching his hand.

"okay..?" I replied and shake his hand. "Nice to meet you, Hiroyuki"

"Sorry, author Shane for suddenly sitting here in front of you but I may be giving you a mysterious vibe but I'm not here to scare you or anything but I am here, warning you something that will occur in the future."