Chapter 23: Just a thought

"What do you mean..?" I replied and looked at him with a serious look, brows furrowed.

"He will reveal himself soon, his true colors." Hiroyuki replied with his hoarse voice, looking down on the table.

"Who is he and what do you mean his true colors?" I replied, eyes furrowed.

"I have a feeling he will use you and your teammates just to win the contest, he is that type of guy that betrays his own teammates and side with the stronger ones then betray them again" Hiroyuki replied, circling his fingertips on the table.

The waiter walks towards the table and placed a bowl of noodles, I stared at the bowl of noodles as I thought of his warnings.

"Are you gonna eat that noodle ?" Hiroyuki asked me, I nodded.

"So what I'm trying to say is, he'll steal your story and recreate the plot but make it more creative. It's like that one homework meme where he asks if he can copy it but didn't make it too obvious, you get me, Shaney?"

"Yeah, I get you." I replied and eat my noodles.

"Contact me if something goes wrong," Hiroyuki said to me and hand me a piece of paper with his number.

"Anyways, I'm gonna get eat some Tofu." Hiroyuki walked away.

That warning, it felt like he wasn't joking nor fucking around. I continued slurping my bowl of noodles while scrolling through my phone.

It started to rain outside as I finished eating my noodle, I put my empty bowl on the side of the table and opened my hologram screen and keyboard, writing a new story. After writing the four concepts of each chapter, I stood up and slowly walked back to the hotel.

"There must be a hint somewhere on what he said" I said to my mind as I walked down the sidewalk. I saw Kim Daichi entering an arcade building as if he was gonna play something.

"Kim !" I called him, Kim Daichi looked around and saw me.

"Oh hey, what are you doing out here?" Kim Daichi replied, I walk towards him.

"Oh, I was just eating some hot noodles. What about you ?" I replied to Kim Daichi and looked at the arcade building.

"Oh, I was about to play some Undead Typing. Wanna come ?" Kim Daichi replied.

"probably not, I'm kinda busy right now. Sorry" I replied.

"Oh, understandable" Kim Daichi replied with a smile. "I'll head inside."

I nodded and watch Kim as he went inside. As I arrived at the hotel, my phone vibrated as if a notification appeared, I grabbed my phone in my pockets and looked at it.

[ Zetsobou_Keni has messaged you ]

"Hiroyuki ?" I said to myself.

"What the hell do you want? I'm already in the hotel, I'll be busy" and sent the message.

"A writer's life must be busy, huh? Why I'm not busy even I'm a writer? Oh, I know you are in the hotel and you are standing in the 100th stair as you headed back to your room" Hiryouki replied.

Why does he reply like a stalker? I turned around and saw Hiroyuki was squatting on the floor.

"What the fuck"

"Hey Mr.S," he said and raises his hand.

"I forgot to tell you that if he betrays you all, contact me so I can help you guys," Hiroyuki replied with his Hoarse Voice

"Wait, can't you just tell me who he is?" Shane replied.

"Hold on buddy, let us not ruin the goddamn hype. I am that one type of person who likes making mysterious hints." Hiroyuki stood up and looked at me.

"As I was saying, contact me if he betrays you all because I'm gonna side with you guys" Hiroyuki said and smiled.

"...I don't even trust you, yet" Shane replied.

"Is this the result of playing that one game called Sus Imposter? I forgot the name of the game. If you don't trust me, I wouldn't be even giving some information on your arse on that restaurant Mr.Cheng" Hiroyuki replied

"Please stop calling me Mr.Cheng or something just call me Shane jesus.." I replied, irritated.

"Okay, I'll call you Shane Jesus," Hiroyuki replied. I went silent and tried to continue walking upstairs.

"Did I entertain you, Shane ?" Hiroyuki followed me from behind while having the posture of a hunchback.

"no, you didn't." I replied, not looking at him.

"Oh alright, but can I still entertain you though?" Hiroyuki replied.

A group of girls went downstairs and walked past us.

"look at him that guy looks like a maniac" one of the girls whispers to her friend while pointing at Hiroyuki.

Hiroyuki turns around and looks at the girls, "You know what's funny, I get that every time." Hiroyuki replied to the girls.

"Damn, they just called you a maniac, lol." I said to Hiroyuki while climbing upstairs.

"It's fine because I get that every time," Hiroyuki replied.

"So, anyways can you stop following me please?" I said and turned around.

"Alright, bye" Hiroyuki replied and walked away. I looked at him as he went downstairs. How come a random person just warned me about a team member?

I brush the thoughts off and walked towards a door with a sloth icon. I walked inside the room and saw Sasori sleeping with a notebook beside her, it seems like she was writing something.

I covered her with a blanket and sat near the window, I looked outside and watch the neon city lights as I thought of the things that would happen.