Chapter 26: The Scripturient's League District

"Hello, Scripturient Writers! We are about to arrive at the Scripturient's District." the Scripturient bus driver announced. Few writers yawn from sleep and looked outside the window.

"I heard Kim argued with a writer earlier," Sasori said as she rubbed her eyes and looked at me.

"He argued earlier with a writer because of a game"

"A game?"

"But I want to w--" Kim stopped his sentence. He quickly stood up, ran and looked outside the window. Sasori and the rest along with me moved towards the window and look outside.

My eyes widened. Buildings, mini shops along the road.With the neon lights that illuminated the city, the ambiance of the district made me feel like I'm the main character out of a futuristic novel. Few people were interacting with each other. Some race against each other, riding their hoverbikes and cars.

Few minutes later, The bus slowly stopped and parked.

"Alright, Scripturient Writers! We have now arrived. Please do grab your belongings. Enjoy your stay, writers and good luck to all of your competition!"

All writers grab their bags, stood up from their seats and hopped off the bus. I glance on the side of the parking lot, the red and blue bus arrived. Few writers hopped off and walked with their teams.

"This place is hugeeeee!" Kim said with a smile, opening his arms.

"So much to explore" Quan Chi commented and looked around the building in the Scripturient's League District. Tall buildings surrounded us, there are few flags with big animal icons and a small logo of the Scripturient's League and flashy billboards. I looked around and saw writers went inside a stadium like-building.

Suddenly our phones ping and I pulled it out.

----Scripturient's League System Reminder---

[ Hello, Team Sloth! You have arrived in the Scripturient's League District. Welcome! Writers, we want to make this welcome not just warm but also memorable for all of you. You deserve to be given a warm memorable welcome. First off, please go to the Scripturient's League Stadium and we'll send you the details about the Scripturient's League right after ]

"We should go," Sasori said and walked towards the stadium-like building. As we get nearer, the stadium is filled with The Scripturient's League writers.

"Team Sloth, right? Please seat on the west side of the stadium" A woman around her early 20's said with a smile. Our team went to the west side of the stadium. My team halted as we saw our empty seats. The seats were the same color as our hoodie, our chairs also have an animal icon. All colored seats were based on each writer's team's motif.

"You know, The Scripturient's League is cool" Kim said, his eyes fixed on the podium stage. The big screen projected the Scripturient's League logo.

"Yeah, The Scripturient's League is cool indeed" Quan Chi commented. As we wait, a sudden blast of fireworks is heard from above. Motivational music played as the big screen flashes few writers from the Scripturient League, featuring their hoodies animal logo. Their rank as a writer.

"Writing for me is like an escape for the harsh reality that I saw and experience"

And flashes another writer, "I'm glad that some readers hooked, reading my books. It's great that some readers are hooked and lived inside your masterpiece. Readers are one of the best people in the world"

'Nooo, I'm not an advocate of supporting other writers in exchange for supporting me. I want genuine supporters and I love to write more for them."

"Well, my advice for all writers is to just continue what they're passionate about. Some would feel pressured for the reason that their concepts aren't good or interesting enough"

and the screen projected few animal icons that represented legendary rank. A black Tyrannosaurus Rex icon appears with a red background.

"Words that I wrote is a weapon I equipped every time I faced a writing competition in The Scripturient's League. The Scripturient's League honed my skills for years now and the feedback from my readers kept me going." a black-haired guy with maroon red highlights, wearing a black shirt with Tyrannosaurus Rex. "My readers are my fuel"

Another icon appeared, a teal and light blue colored icon. A Leviathan.

"Competing with other writers? It's quite fun but sometimes, I pity them. I mean, if they want to level up or dream to be a legendary rank writer. Nothing should stop them even a defeat or criticism from another writer."

The big screen flashes another color and a 4 animals icon is projected.

"Being a high-rank writer is a privilege. I encountered tough moments as a writer. From criticism and hate to love and support, I'm so grateful to all readers who supported me. From bad reviews to good reviews. And from being a low-rank writer that is struggling to find supporters to being loved and supported by thousands of readers. " a black-haired guy with monolid eyes, wearing a black hoodie with a lion icon on the right side of his hoodie.

"Being a writer here in the Scripturient's League transitioned me into a great and awesome writer wherein my readers started to write novels and plan to take my path as well." he smiled. "It's one of the greatest achievements. I inspired readers into writers and now, they are a God in their novels. I'm a God myself--only to my novels" and chuckled with a smile.

As I listened to every high and legendary writer, it made me want to do more in my writing. I want to be great. I want people to read my masterpiece.