Chapter 25: Emperor Penguins

"Team Ocelot confirmed. Proceed to Seat Row#2"

"Team Emperor Penguin, confirmed. Proceed to Seat Row #3"

The sound of the automated voice from pressing a pad with the use keycards with a neon light is heard as each team writer went inside the bus.

"Team Sloth, confirmed. Proceed to Seat Row #5"

As we went inside the bus, I glance at every writer that is on the same level as me. Low-ranks.

"Hey, hey! Come, sit here" a black-haired girl in a messy bun said as she pulled a brown-haired guy with brown eyes, wearing a hoodie that has a raccoon icon on it.

"I don't have any ideas what to write anymore" said by a light purple-haired girl, wearing a hoodie with an ocelot icon as she rests her chin on the back of her hand, looking outside the window.

"Thinking of great ideas takes a lot of time. Chill yourself out" a strawberry blonde-haired girl said as she leaned on her seat and closed her eyes. "I'll sleep and make some ideas and character design after. I can't think of any idea with lot of people around. "

I glance sideways as I walked through the aisle of the bus. All of them were already seated with their teammates, chattering about their stories and ideas of what kind of novel they should write. Some were talking about their favorite authors, recommending what novel they should read next for an inspiration and merely an enjoyment..

"It's quite amazing for them to have concepts in mind" Kim said as our team seated on the back of the bus.

"Yeah, it takes a week for me to just think of a concept" Jin said as he crosses his arms, overlooking all writers inside the bus. I looked around, awed from the bus. The neon blue light interior felt so much vibe.

"Alright, writers! This is your bus driver speaking, one of the official drivers in Scripturient's League transport. We will now be driving off. I'm thrilled to send you to the Scripturient District. Please enjoy the ride"

Few uproars from all writers are heard as the bus slowly moved, heading to the Scripturient District. As the bus is still on its way to the district, the bus is filled with silence within few hours. Some writers were asleep and some were silently writing chapters and concepts on their hologram screens and tablets.

"Can you just let me win?" I heard from an oppressed squeal of Kim. I looked at Kim that is seating beside me. I glance at the Sasori, Jin and Quan Chi but three of them fell asleep.

"What's that, Kim?" I whispered.

"Just an online multiplayer game where I need to beat the other players to level up but this opponent is too strong. Too smart." I looked at Kim as he struggles to beat his opponent.

"Can I try?" I asked. Kim nodded and hand me his handheld video game console. I looked at the opponent's stats as I consecutively press the keys, beating the opponent. Kim's opponent couldn't move from my consecutive attacks.

"Wait, how did you beat him?" Kim asked as he saw on his screen that I win.

"Your opponent just consecutively attacks you and you keep using defense. You should also go for an attack" I said as I handed his console.


"What the fuccccckk?"

A quiff blonde-haired guy stood up from his seat with a handheld console in his hand. "I'm defeated? I want a rematch!" and sits.

[ Rematch ]

Kim and I looked at his handheld console, it suddenly said rematch. Kim stood up from his seat and walked towards the blonde-guy, sitting.

"Whatt? You're my opponent?" Kim exclaimed as he saw what was the blonde guy playing on his console. The blonde guy looked up and looked at Kim's handheld console as the two players are seen on the screen, fighting.

Suddenly, both of them point at each other.

"You?!" They exclaimed in unison.

"From today's week, you win because of your stupid tactics?"

"And you keep bugging me instead I'll write?" the blonde guy exclaimed.

"Why you can't just let me win?"

"Why can't you just stop bothering me with rematches!"

"And why can't you just be competitive?"

"Hey, hey" I said, interrupting them in between. They both looked away as if a kid that fought with another kid.

"Why can't you all just chill?"

"How can you chill when your opponent is a writer that is also on the same level as you?" They replied to me in unison. Kim and the blonde-haired guy furrowed their eyebrows on each other and simultaneously looked away.

"I apologize. I apologize" a silver-haired guy said as he slightly bowed to every writer that was disturbed from their sleep but not my teammates. Jin, Quan Chi and Sasori still fell asleep.

"I'm very sorry for my team member's behavior. He is just a competitive type of a guy" a silver-dye haired guy said to me as he put his arm around the blonde guy.

He turned his eyes to the blonde haired guy, "Why are you not sitting in our assigned seat rows? I need your help to edit the grammars with me. Stop playing around"

The blonde-haired guy didn't answer and put his handheld console in his pockets.

"Pen name is Silvirch, nice to meet you" the silver haired guy introduced himself with a smile to me and Kim.

Silvrich looked at the blonde guy that still looks away, "Introduce yourself to them"


"Okay but no book reviews for you"

"Champ is my pen name" the blonde-haired guy, Champ said and didn't still look at Kim. I slightly bowed on both of them.

"My pen name is XiaoCheng" I looked at Kim, "and his pen name is Kim Daiki."

"Nice meeting you, XiaoCheng and Kim" Silvirch said with a smile as he walks towards Kim and put his arms around him.

"Why can't you guys just chill it out?" Silvirch said as he pulls Champ and Kim for a hug. Silvrich act like a dad with his two sons that still didn't end the heat of an argument. "Just chill everything out"

Champ didn't answer, Kim remained silent.

I slightly bowed in front of Silvirch. "I like to apologize too for my team member's behavior"

"Hey, hey. No need to bow in front of me. It's Champ's fault after all for being too competitive" Silvirch replied. Before I could reply, Silvirch cut my sentence off.

"It's nice meeting you, XiaoCheng. I like to talk with you but we are busy. We'll start editing our plots so, excuse us. Can't wait to compete with you" he said with a smile and walked away, heading to their seat row. A smile of a competitor.