The promise we made..

One. A beautiful daughter was born perfectly and a considerably perfect family; one could say it was a fairytale in the book: Marquess Siegfried and Marchioness Sophia of Kriegerin, two notable peoples across the lands. Little Daughter, the third born of Eilberts, was born with a golden spoon in her mouth. Loved and pampered, her welcoming of this world hosted a party that lasted for a month. Villagers fill with delight; the joyous day of the whole Empire rejoices in her birth.

Two and come three years old.

Little child, oh sweet one from heavens, born as a daughter of the right-hand man of Kaiser Albrecht, whose fate could easily be determined and carrying the name of nobility, and so on–––You could know the future of a woman. Marriage of political interests, but if a woman were then wedded by a Royal Family and adored by anyone, her life would be full of silk. One would say, "Lucky is she!"

Four, then comes six.

Two years passed by, and the agreement of the marriage was determined. Little darling becomes a young lady, learning to become a flawless kind. In the first step, she had hundreds of maids and excellent nannies to nurse her. And within just a few rings of bells or the flick of its finger, without uttering a single word, she would receive such immense services. The Daughter of Mansion is born with more than a golden spoon in her mouth.

Seven and she became eight years old.

Nobles of aristocratic parties praised her, and she became more popular. Daring Lady, Darling of Heavens, and so forth, praises surged in the kingdom. Who needed to debut if her name was all over people's mouths? Her brothers were in the same position. One becomes a disciple of magic, and the other becomes a trainee of knights. Every noble would be envious, but nothing can do. Young Lady of Eilberts becomes adept at learning how a woman acts, virtues, history, and speech, and one can list in countless pages.

Does she like it? No one could say. But her ambition was fixated whenever her father struck.

Nine, ten, and eleven years of age.

Who would, after those decades, this young Lady become a noble than all nobles? In a short span of years, she was almost at the top of the summit of talents?! Not only did she even exceed it, but she was also accepted by the Academy of Scholarly People!? As a father, Marquess Siegfried wished the best for his daughter and wanted everything for his children to be on top of everyone. He sent his daughter to the Academy, where he could see the future awaiting her.

Twelve, and then she becomes Thirteen.

Two Years. Young Lady Eilberts officially became a student and resided over kilometers away from the Main Campus, A building made for noble ladies to study arts and swords. Her fame rouses more and more, envied once again but still adored. How come they would hate this sweet and innocent kind of Lady? A particular day, not too special, a simple visit to the School Grounds. No one could foresee this turn of events unless… But It happened too fast, like a strike of its light, not even a time to scream for help. And misunderstandings rose, bloodied mess, their faces written with horrors, fears, and faces were all pale.

Fixated on the ghost-like and pale-of-a-kind boy, the intent of rage on the campus brings disaster. She would not expect that day would be her last at this Academy. And when the news spreads faster like a wildfire caught in a forest, the Young Lady has forbidden to set out in the mansion ever again. There is nothing for the poor Lady to doubt except her fate. She always stares out the window, sighing to lose everything in a day.

Fourteen, then come Fifteen years of age.

A couple of years have then passed. Those incidents were still unburied; gossip and laments wavered in the Lady's room. A lady kept in a house, like a beautiful bird caged from freedom. Although another beacon of light guides her life, little darling of heavens thus finally met her soon-to-be betrothed, her fiancé, the intended Crown Prince of Atharta Kingdom! A guardian angel to come and console. Those pasts came buried with those smiles—a friendship built more significant and sturdier than the walls of borders.

Beloved Lady, how smitten is she? Is this love blossoming like a lily in a pond of lakes? Oh, how this vast blue and deep was he alike, calm and serene. His eyes glimmered into hers, teal and blue; his hair was weaved by golden threads of Rumpelstiltskin, and his dimples between his mouth every time it curled into a smile. Her worries washed over like tranquility beside him.

She became Sixteen years old.

Lady Eilberts become a refined woman, arrogant as her Father wanted her to be; arrogant is a sign of power, not too much, but perfect to be feared. Little Devilish beloved her new moniker from the mansion, but who would bother to bicker with this special Lady? She is above them, unreachable like a summit, unlike them, who are partly on the dirt of filths. One could not point out her personality, like sweetly lovely or sourly afraid of her aura. She attained everything that people would vie for, She might be so beautiful and wretched but still loved by the royal family, and now Crowned Prince.

This Lady then promised. For she so dearly loved the Prince as a Fiancé and Friend, she would be his ally from death. If devotion is the sea, then it will be profound as it goes for her.

And then she finally at Seventeen years old.

Those years have passed, and like a forward book, she would reminisce about the days like yesterday. She hummed in relief in her piping hot tea of jasmine exported from other nations. Maybe it was now she is now seventeen years old, and several months later, she became eighteen. Being Eighteen years old means the wedding will be sooner, and it means she will be the Crown Princess. Every thought of it made her breath shudder from excitement. Will she be as beautiful and glowing in the wedding dress she tailored by hundreds of tailors? How extravagant is it when the Cathedral of Katerina is also involved?

Then, if so, would the Crown Prince faint at the sight of her daring looks in the wedding dress?

She sheepishly smiled at the thought while tapping her fingers elegantly. Her mind wandered when her teacher spouted the most over-the-top information about a mere barley tea! Who the hell cares if it's from the Eastern Empires, and even this Young Lady doesn't give a damn about the benefits–––If tea is tea, then tea is good for her. But this woman would keep talking till the tea would make the Young Lady's tea cold.

She rested her chin on her hand, playing the tea back and forth as if there was a ship between the moving solid waves. This is too dull! Tea history is boring! She doesn't give a damn.

Madam Violet, a woman still in her prime, gladly drank that exclusive barley tea to her liking. Her hair strokes like waves on a calming sea, and amethyst, gleaming every shade like a precious jewel it is. She glanced at her when she noticed the Young Lady's unwanted attention from her. "My Little birdy says the Crown Prince will be here," she slowly dropped the tea cup onto the plate as she changed the subject.

Adelaide, who is just sipping the tea, suddenly spat out in her mouth in an unladylike manner.

FUCK. FUCK. FUCK. I Forgot after all of those classes!

This young Lady covered her mouth in such a fretting manner. "My Lady, you are making me pass out in worry!" Madam Violet anxiously scolded her, but the Young Lady chuckled in embarrassment. And several pardons were murmured on her part.

Her rosette hair flows freely on the back of her shoulder, her head occupied with assorted flowers in such a blooming state as the fragrance lingers in the breeze off the air. Having those pair of golden eyes that could see the mischief laced with intents and thoughts, her lips would perk into a grin whenever she found amusement. Like an Oleander flower that blooms in summer with pink clusters, poisonous to even dare touch with those hands yet too lovely to look at.

The Young Lady now vigorously tapped her fingers on the table. Her gown is too bland today, just a simple flowy dress with long sleeves of green and ornamental golden threads. But the Young Lady intends to present herself in a more relaxed manner. However, she forgot who she was. She's the beloved woman in the whole kingdom!

Adelaide Priscilla Von Eilberts, the Crown Prince's fiancé, the third-born child of the House of Eilberts. The Daring Lady, Darling of Heavens, or whatsoever moniker you call her! She has thousands of them, too much to remember and irrelevant to her brain capacity. Those monikers are not going, to sum up all of her personalities. She firmly believed a noblewoman with different personality masks should name them beautifully, as she elegantly faked those award-winning acts. And if it is Adelaide, then she knew her varieties of personalities deserved a daring title than just ugly names like "The Little Brat of House" Like, come on! Her "Addie" persona is offended by that. She has a reputation for some reason too! A woman's dignity is far more precious than a mere moniker that would for some reason destroy people's expectation on her.

Her teacher massaged her temples, lamenting how unladylike for her to act like that. "Have you forgotten of it, or are you perhaps nervous?" Madam Violet glanced at Adelaide's frowning face. Then Adelaide hopelessly sighed, avoiding the question. "Perhaps…" She says, wondering.

Maybe she was nervous that she had forgotten all of it. The Royal Family will be here sooner; Adelaide then heaved another sigh. Her heart was beating so loudly that she could even hear it pounding too hard, pulsing every second. The Crown Prince will be here too. But the Young Lady paid no mind whatsoever as she does not care anymore over dress not to extravagant to show up in the Royal family.

The Royals loved her.

Adelaide, brimming with youth and the essence of mischief, then grinned. Staring at Madam Violet with a smile that you could tell something would spout another nonsense any sooner now. As those rumors could say, Adelaide's face could make a guy sigh with love. And whenever her lips pursue into slight curved, not much as a grin but also quite a smile to say she was happy——beware, for her mouth Is not what her face could match.

Adelaide prompted herself, feeling like she was curious about something. To think about it, her student is getting married soon, but the teacher is still a single woman!

Her teacher is already past her thirties; Adelaide wondered how her teacher was here today. Her playmates always spread a rumor about how all the noble women would laugh at her marital status. Being a pretty woman could lead nowhere unless you accept your role as one, that was what they always said. A woman's value should be a woman who is good enough to be a wife. Adelaide's gaze only pierced Madam Violet's face so much that she couldn't properly drink the tea. The High Society was not something to joke around and play with some power of companion. But in any sense "Power" of companion would go you anywhere with influence but bare that into your mind companions are not trustworthy in the High Society. Those who treated you like a friend will turn their back into you sooner. And even if Madam Violet is backed with decades of connection, her dignity still won't be an exception.

Madam shifted her eyes to the Lady, looking worried. "Why are you staring at me like that?" she awkwardly laughed out of fear, the stare that Adelaide gives makes Madam Violet nervous. "How fortunate of your standing is, but how come you remain unmarried?" Adelaide asked innocently. Madam Violet stopped drinking her tea out in shock, for her own student to asked about her own marital status make her felt embarrassed all of sudden. And one would get embarrassed if the one infant of you is younger than you and soon to be married, not only that but soon to be the Crown Princess of the Kingdom.

Madam Violet couldn't help but hide her face due to it shame. "A-Are you bragging to me because your wedding is months away?" She pouted out of spite and Adelaide seemed to be clueless to as why she was acting like that. "But as expected of a Lady like you, you must have heard then. How come I submit as a wife if no men dare respect me? Should I even be an object of desires than a living woman?" Madam Violet opened her fan and fanned herself vigorously.

The Young Lady pondered for a while and nodded at her response. "Madam is reserved then, but I do hope for you one day to meet the one you have been looking for," she agreed on her statement. "If Madam did find, please do not shy away with our bond as a disciple and tutor, because as to me and you, Madam is like a part of the family. I am willing to help your wedding be grandiose and befitting for the image you have," Adelaide warmly suggested, and Madam could feel like the trumpets of heavens is right here calling in her grace, she could ask if the lady Infront of her an angel in disguise. The heavens have heeded her call to have such a pure and kindhearted student.

"My Lady… How kindhearted are you? As a teacher, I am proud to have a student like-"

"And maybe we should spit and roast the faces of people that dare slander you, let them dance with shoes hot iron." Adelaide continued with a sinister grin appearing on her face initiating her words are, and Madam Violet could almost have her snapped for a second. She took back what she said of being angel in disguise, it's more like disguised as angel.

Madam Violet coughed out of dear, still feeling the aura of sinister thoughts is overflowing and radiating. "Ah… My Lady is always just a character. But truly, I am thankful. I-I could tear up for a moment, but I can't wet this precious pearlescent powder." She wiped her non-existent tears, looking at Adelaide with her eyes glimmering like sparkles.