The Royal Visit

Adelaide and Madam Violet chitchat for hours, and it was now almost dinner when a little maid hurried to the garden. A small petite girl waved to the Ladies. " My Lady, My Lady! The Royal Highnesses are coming!" a petite maid hurries to them. She flinched herself from the quick arrival, yet she was already panicking. Madam Violet only chuckled and helped the young lady prepares simple makeup and lavender perfume. Once done, The angelic lady took a look in the mirror, and she was in shock at her appearance.

"Madam Violet, you know everything the best for me!" she nodded excitedly. Adelaide was now stunningly elegant that could transcend every being. Her plumped lips were colored with Fuschia light blush and paired with refined gold rose-like jewelry. Her feminine blush-rose hair is curled up with a low bun of braids on the top, which leaves small portions of her hair strands on each side.

She took deep inhales and exhales, stood up, and walked through her garden, accompanied by her maids. The mansion she lived in was designed with every gold bit and most elegant blue garments hanging on every wall, maids rushing in every room, and knights guarding every corner switching places.


"Your Highness!" Adelaide hurried from the entrance to meet the Royals that were just arrived on time. Her dress may be troublesome to walk fitly, but she never minds it. She was already excited to meet them. The King and Queen got down from the Royal Carriage while the Crown Prince rode one of the white horses. His appearance made the young lady want to faint. His face alone makes her drool. She returns to her senses, knowing it was disrespectful to think that.

She greeted them courteously with the guards and maids of the front mansion. "Greetings, your royal highnesses," they bowed in unison. The Royal Family was satisfied with the overflowing welcome from the Grussen Burg Manor. And as about the Royals told them to stand up.

Adelaide plans to hug and greet them personally when she suddenly steps her dress on the back, causing her to almost trip until warm hands embrace her, a luminous gleam in her vision, and as if the world were slowly fading.

The Crown Prince saved her from the fall, and Violet was stunned by her clumsiness. But luck was on the Young Lady's side the Prince was there. While the Royals can smile at the sudden Incident, they know the youngsters were a match made from heaven. They are very much aware falling in someone's arm is an act of romance, as they always read romance novels written by outstanding novelists. "Clumsy as always, right M'Lady?" Crown Prince Louis chuckled at the girl in his arm's embrace. Gently let her stand up suitably from the position. The girl was dazed, not able to think about what had happened.

Madam Violet rushed over to the young lady " Are you okay, miss?" asked worriedly, checking every possibility of injury. The call Violet made her realize the Royals were in front of them; she woke up from reality and gasped. " I pardon for my clumsiness, Your majesties.." bowing at each of them for apologizing. The Empress can smile " Don't pardon yourself, my dear. It's an accident we understand, " her fingers fidgeted from the embarrassment of her behavior.

'I'm too clumsy to be a Daughther of Marquess; geez, I can't believe I embarrassed myself, ' she thought to herself, overwhelmed by thoughts. Marquess Siegfried and Lady Sofia, accompanied by two sons, greeted willingly. Felix Eilberts, the older son and a Royal Knight of The Athartha Kingdom, had long crimson hair that flowed on his uniform. And there is Heinz Eilberts, the Middle sibling and a working mage-apprentice of the Great Wizard of Tower, and he has wine-red hair and a pretty face.

"Greetings, your majesties," they bowed altogether.

"Marquess Siegfried, it's been a while since we last met in the banquet!" The King enthusiastically greeted her father and received a small pat on the shoulder. "Your Majesty, I hope you are in good health today, May I lead you the way to the office?'' the Marquess gestured his hands from the door, eyeing his wife as it was telling her to bring the Queen to her guest room. And while Adelaide's brother leaves to accompany the Emperor.

Furthermore, now the person left is the Crown Prince, Lady Adelaide, Madam Violet, and the servant. But the atmosphere here isn't right, as they are awkward and tense. " Well then My Lady and Your Royal Highness, I forget I had another work from the shelter. I must go before Sister will worry. Pardon " Madam Violet was the first to speak up to avoid the awkward tension; her amethyst eyes gazed on the Lady.

Adelaide was in utter shock, speechless, and betrayed. ' What do you mean work in Orphanage? You dare to lie at me?' her expression was now upsetting, yet the girl could only take a calm composure. The Crown Prince only looks at them with a smile. 'Why did my parents leave me here? I didn't want this,' he thought.

Madam Violet bowed and bid them farewell, and she eyed the maid as if telling her to leave with the both of them. "Ah! Your highness and My lady, I forgot that I had laundry! I must get also going," Hannah bid her farewell to both of them. The Young Lady gave her an icy stare as a shown of threat. The maid was trembling despite that she dared not to show it. And she quickly leaves with Violet after excusing herself.

'How dare you guys betray me like that! Okay fine, and I don't need your help at all. Yeah never. ' she humped.

Now it was only the two of them, the Crown Prince and Her. Louis knows she wasn't a conversation starter but more than a chatty person when someone makes a move. He can only put out a smile at her shy behavior.

Everything was perfect on a breezy day, the bird's melodies, the flowers blooming grace, and the graceful sight of Lady Adelaide turning red.

" Lady Adelaide, why not we take a stroll on this lovely day?"