Unexpected Invitation

" Lady Adelaide, why not we take a stroll on this lovely day?" Louis turns his face to the lady on his side. Her flustered cheeks had him awe from the cuteness.

They grow up together passes by a summer, autumn, snow, and spring equinox. They established a relationship that is unbreakable nor their trust. As long-lasting as a precious crystal. Even if the crown prince didn't love her romantically, those two youngsters have a special relationship than a lover has.

"Shall we? it's been breezy here lately, I still remember the day we escape from the villa as we run-up to the near hill," she looks at the blonde boy, as her eyes were full of hope glimmers to his. She was now feeling comfortable, and the Crown Prince leads her to the garden slowly so the young lady will not trip. And a private dinner for them in the little garden, where memories of their childhood lie.

They talked freely, talking about their sweet past and convincing viewpoints, as well as acknowledging each other, a blazing pale yellow warm sun, in peace on a late afternoon approach. Time passes like a wind.

The Royals, calling out for the Crown Prince to bid their goodbye. Lady Adelaide's happiness faded, and it was now the time they parted ways. Sorrowful eyes and fist clenching, she didn't want to leave him yet. She was already lonely and feeling unwanted in this house of hers as if she was invisible.

The crown prince saw right into Adelaide, his heart softened. But he can't stay with her, not in these days. War waits for him on the bloodstained battlefield. "Don't be in sorrow, My Lady, I will be back till everything has been settled," Louis comforts her. Adelaide looks at him with a fainted smile as to tell him not to worry.

"Oh, and I forgot-" he signs the royal guards that accompanied them to come closer with him. The Crown Prince looked displeased and tensed up. A letter with a red rose seal bestows to Louis. An only seal for a Duke, with a black feather stick in, a feather which belongs to a rare bird. Realizing the invitation comes from, Adelaide looked up at his eyes widen, heart thumping.

' It couldn't be...' it was impossible to have such an invitation from a Grand Duke's house and not to mention they even let the Crown Prince receive it for her. How audacious of them for letting a royal do the work!

" It's not only you had received this, but every noble people that hadn't debuted from high society has also been invited," reaching the grand invitation. Adelaide was already nervous, her first receiving an invite to the infamous Duke of the Empire, the Heinrich heirs. Having her first touch on the card coated with such texture, she can only feel waves of daunted feelings rushing to her spines.

The Heinrich heirs, she heard about them. Rumors and news about this family described; brutal, Wicked, defiant demeanor, and a Devil; The House of Albrecht has been discreet over them. Adelaide's liebe mutter also warned her since childhood. The powerful family of nobles gained a great hold of their invincible power in the Empire, a feared by many peoples, they say.

'Never get on their wrong side, and you shall be cursed on der Ingrimm,' those were her mother phrased.

" Discuss this matter first with your Marquis, however, you must be on this gathering. We are dealing with a true Devils here," he seriously looks at her. The Royal Family is waiting for the Crown Prince, for those lovey-dovey to bid their goodbye.

"I shall remember them, Your Highness. Please take care of yourself," she replied, with the utmost respect, tilting her lean body to bow for the Crown Prince. Adelaide trailed her bejeweled eyes to the Crown Prince slowly going to his mount and slowly starts as he leads the golden carriage with few nighs. Elder brother Felix escorted their parents inside the Mansion.

Adelaide was now lonely again and deeply sought out her worries. She didn't debut in high society, yet she was already in this mess. Thoughts keep running to her mind, possibilities of their schemes, the reason behind this invitation, and what they are planning. Is it to brainwash people using some spell? Must be persuading? No. that is very risky for them. She can't be too comfy about this invitation and for the slightest bit. There must be an intention behind this.

"Sister Adelaide!"

Are they checking all the noble people? However, for what purpose-

"Adelaide! Hey!!" her senses come back from reality as Heinz shook her off from the thoughts. "You spaced out for a second, sister," observing Adelaide's face turns to pale and noticing the black invitation on her hand, he frowned in worry. "You've also invited... The house of Heinrich is very merciless this day," Heinz reached out his invitation a similar to Adelaide's card. Resentment clouds his thoughts. A Devil is always a Devil.

He can still remember back those days of his mage training, One of Heinrich with a ghostly pale boy with grayish hair. Bloodstains on his clothes, dead body lying on the ground. Killing a person like an animal, yet no matter he felt hostility toward them, Heinz is still helpless from House of Heinrich.

"Since we didn't have our debut yet, the two of us have been invited by the house of Heinrich," she sighed out again, "Don't fret, I will be on your side, sister. But first, we must need permission from der Vater for our safety," the young mage shook his head and gave his sister a smile as he turned back from inside.


Rested from a comfy bed, staring menacingly at the textured black invitation given by Louis. She never had any intention opening of such suspicious things given out from a Devilish Dukes. Adelaide only feared what's written in here. A knock on the door came.

"My Lady, the dinner is now ready; His lordship requested you to eat with them," A maid answered from the thick doors " I will come out for a minute!" she stated to the maid outside, forcing herself to get out of the bed. Adjusting her messy hair and putting a slight flower fragrance to the attire, and after dressing, she was now ready to go.

Adelaide turned the doorknob slowly, her eyes set upon a redhead maid smiling at her. "M'Lady, his lordship is now waiting at the dinner table, I shall escort you," she spoke in a formal tone, bowing her head.

They walked through halls by halls until they had reached the dining room, and the immense door opened gently. The tender gleaming chandeliers reflected, luxurious meals placed on the table, and Adelaide's family sat at the diner as if they were waiting for her arrival.

The redhead maid on her side only soon went outside as she closed the door. Adelaide leisurely walks in pace holding out her gown. While she takes her seat, the young girl only felt pierced gazes set upon her. She was feeling uncomfortable and uneasy, hands trembling from the unsettling aura she felt.

" Felix, when will you visit at Drenwont?" Marquess Siegfried stated to the man with a wine-haired man, eating sausages with a beverage. " I will leave first thing in the morning. I can't delay my stay any longer. Lord Damien of the Heinrich would enrage at me if I took too long," he said in a sigh of restlessness.

" Is that so? The Heinrich has been quiet these days, and I wonder what they are up to," leaning his face against his one fist. "Oh, I heard about the invitation. Heinz. Adelaide," their father called out in gruff.

" Yes, Father," they answered both.

" I will grant you two the permission to buy your needs for the upcoming tea banquet and your Debut, I will give you two weeks to prepare. And bring few maids and knights to accompany your trip, " a sound of approval came from the Marquess. Both Adelaide and Heinz are rather excited about their father's sudden command.

It was only rare for Marquess Christoph to grant permission, as going outside in the Mansion, Adelaide can feel her spirits brightened, and hope bloomed inside her. It's been years since her trip outdoor, and not to mention her Debut is nearing, as she can finally take trips anywhere in the kingdom.