The Boutique.

As in the present, Adelaide and Hanna were standing in the store full of luxurious garments. Other ladies just her age was also current in the store, both came from a noble lineage. Different clothes are displayed on each mannequin.

" Do you hear the rumours about the daughter of a Count Bartimus?" a lady whispered with another lady. " Oh my, of course, I did. I heard she was born such a curse," the other lady scoffs fanning her fan.

She didn't mind their gossips and still looking at the garments. Adelaide took a glimpse of each of them, however, noble ladies were quick to grab the garments before she can grasp them.

Her hands stopped their tracks as those ladies run away again after grabbing. Adelaide wanted to erupt like the volcano, ' Impudent noble bitches, the hell they keep grabbing those dresses I wanted to try,' She sough deeply trying to hold out her outrage, as Adelaide gripped her skirt. It was now and already irritating, how dare they belittle her presence?

But just before the lady can start a mess, a young assistant shows up. Pale and fragile, hardly she ever eat anything from her skinny appearance. '" My lady, I'm deeply apologized for the inconvenience," bowing her head down for an apology.

" Bring me where the tailor is," Adelaide set out a humph saying with an upsetting tone, " I will do miss," and the person lead Adelaide from a room, hidden by sight perhaps. The little light shone in the centre, where the tailor was residing.

Adelaide and Hanna follow her, they slowed their pace. Only to feel unsure and eerie by the atmosphere. Something moves Infront of them, from the shadows it almost lurks.

" Is that thing moving?" Adelaide gulps from the sight she saw. A living Mannequin was standing Infront of the entrance. Faceless one and full of scraps of clothes hanging to its body. It slowly walks out to them. Surely the mannequin didn't see them or simply it doesn't have manners, to begin with.

But what can you expect from a mannequin?

" That is living Mannequin manipulated by our Tailor, don't be afraid. they are quite harmless, my Lady," she reassured, opening the curtains to reveal the room of clothes with lavender scented candles looms.

" My, My, My~ Look do we have here," all lady wearing a flamboyant dirndl, red lips attached from the smoking pipe, and sitting on the couch. The assistant smiled greeting her, " This is the Lady of Eilberts, Miss Adelaide."

The tall lady raised her eyebrows, piquing her interest in the girl. " I didn't expect to see you so soon, my lady," Adelaide glare at the lady. " I heard you also once work as a dressmaker from the royals?" she raised a question.

" Well, yes I am. I once made the most fabulous dress that had worn the queen, " the tall lady give her a cocky grin and feeling more confident to heard what she says.

" Even the Almighty Emperor has honoured me on such talent!" she added which heighten more of her ego.

Feeling content with what Adelaide hear, she offers a bag full of coins and tossed it into the table. Adelaide peered at the Tall lady. " Then I would oblige to have a dress made by you. I am more deserving to have a dress that outstands the ball, Am I right?" Adelaide settles on a couch, her legs crossed.

The tall lady hastily grabbed the pouch, peeking at the bag, her eyes glimmer to see such a large quantity, but forcing her to hide her greediness. "Of course, my lady! You are, after all, the future queen of our kingdom," the tailor exclaimed in such excitement, she looks at the assistant that was standing beside her.

" Iyana! get me the supplies! hurry now!"

" Yes, ma'am," she rushed outside to get everything she was ordered.

Adelaide, her servant, and the Tailor were only left. The Tailor smiled in such warm regards, and that was made them feel comfortable. Just minutes passes, Iyana came back with a basket full of materials for a tailor.

" Ah, Thank you~" Iyana passes the basket to the Tailor. " Now, My Lady, We shall begin." she pulled out a measuring tape and a pair of eyeglasses.



" How moronic for those stupid Celestials, coming right out this realm which only brings turmoil and darkness that beset the land!" General Oscar raised his voice and slammed his hands from the hard-wood table, the other attendees flinched from the sudden remark.

They were now tired and desperate to end this. But when will this war would even end? For such decades past or millennium, more victims to the darkness. Even the Celestials never helped them.

On the other side, A man rolled his eyes. " Not only do they seize the whole world within their hands, they even let us do their dirty mess," Felix pissed off slouching out his back. The meeting was already stressful, and thus, they just received a letter from the Kingdom that more problems are needed to deal with.

The official right beside the general spoke up. "The Celestial Empire is too prideful for theirselves," General Oscar listened to his concern, " We can't delay anymore longer, we have to attack!" another person added. General Oscar rubbed off his head.

" Yes, Wizards are in our sides, we have to take advantage," a woman with an eyepatch recommend. Felix's mind was now a mess, like the entangled roots, finding the way to solve it. He had to think away. A way to stop this, or maybe to halt this mess

All of the members inside the camp were now havoc, their advice of each word, and their shouts of such despairing tone.

[ " The meeting will be full of devastation, and thus, He will speak up. Even if our Empire is a powerful nation, we lack some length to win," he playfully twirls the glass of wine. ]

" SHUT UP ALL OF YOU!" and he shouts, all the members silent their concerns. All of the eyes were now focused on Felix. General Oscar raises his eyebrow waiting for Felix to utter.

" We will have to seek help,"


Lady Adelaide slowly walked out of the boutique with Hannah on her side. Her face looks like to shed another tear, and the maid tried to console her lady. What a day, the tailor measures her body like a maniac, even Adelaide almost cried.

Flashing back to the scenes, the Tailor asked her to strip clothes with such a suspicious smile. The tailor also tried to sing an orchestral ballad, poor Adelaide was then forced to dance with a Mannequin. All of the materials in the room also floats, Hannah almost tried to grab her lady to get out in the room.

But now everything was done, and the rays of the sun turn into majestic sunset. Their carriage awaits them in front of the boutique. Both of them went inside as the carriage starts.

Adelaide hums in such satisfaction, everything she wanted was now fulfilled. There was nothing to worry about now she already feels contented. ' I wonder if the Crown Prince will fall in love with me

when I wear the gown I choose,' she blushed thinking the possibility.

The thought of Crown Prince holding her hands, caressing her cheeks in the ball, and tries to kiss her lips. Oh, such a heart-throbbing moment. Adelaide can melt in front of him.

Hannah chuckles to her lady, it was rare to see her being happy. " My lady, so many things have happened only for a day," she giggled and Adelaide gleamed.

" You are indeed right, I have my leisure,"

Going back into the boutique a Brunette lady stood in front of the store along with a servant. " Father told me I should choose a gown for the upcoming debut..." she murmured, looking down to herself. " I'm quite afraid of the high society about their opinions about me,"