An Alibi or a Foe?


Oh how time passes quickly, the Tea Banquet hosted by Heinrich is here. Everything was a complete mess. The maids are panicking to get everything ready, my Brother, who just keeps shouting in the other room, and while I'm just laying in my bed staring at the ceiling.

It is indeed an exciting event, meeting new friends is what I desire but an event hosted to the most tyrant family is like falling into the prey's trap.

I hoped they won't have any ill intentions over me though, I may be looking bratty but I don't know how to fight back in verbal.

I got out on my mattress and decided to get ready.

Jewelry displayed which pleases to my sight, and the dress which I prepared. I didn't plan to have a "Flashy" dress, I don't want to look striking in front of the enemy's eyes.

The dress was laid on a box, the glimmering snowflakes imprinted on the clothing followed with a crimson rose. Hannah helped me out adjusting my corset and fixing my dress. My mother also tried to calm my nerves, she tried to warn me everything I should avoid. Instead of trying to reassure me, the fear swallows me more and more. " Just be obedient and let your guard up with them," and my Mother leaves after that.

Hex this, I just wanted a peaceful life. What if they will try to drug me? Burn me to ashes or hold me hostage? I drop on my couch feeling hopeless, and as Hannah sat beside me. We waited for minutes.

And then a knock came on my door.

" Adelaide?" I looked in the direction that who calls me, It was my brother, Heinz. I remembered he was invited also, and I do hope he would not end up stirring trouble to the gathering.

" Yes, brother?" I sighed. His eyes gazed into mine, a hint of worry and mixed with rage. " We need to go now. We shan't waste time now," Heinz calmly mumble. " I see.." I stood up on my couch preparing myself. I am fully prepared, seeing my maid stand up also look at her. " Hannah let's go,"

" Yes, miss." She accompanied me with Heinz until we're in the Carriage. " May the God's bless your way..." Mother stood there with a concerned look, and we waved our goodbyes at our destination set out in the Capital of Drentwon.


' What a lovely day~ the day I finally see her once again,'

He happily paces in his room, full of a euphoric rush. Such a striking being to have such a handsome face, transcend even Adonis itself. Oh, you never knew how he was prepared for this. Days preparation for this event.

It was now the beginning of something fun. A start of drama play. Who will be his victim? and who will fall into the trap?

Damien didn't waste his time checking everything on order, the Manor was in good condition, the foods are safe and everything is already decent. Camilla, his sister assist him from all of the venues. Despite the joyous gathering, the other side of Drenwont was full of bloodshed and war, which only a few knew.

The purpose of this banquet was to distract people from Corruption. Ever since the Grand Duke Heinrich has been ill for these past days, thus, Her Grand Duchess of Drenwont was passed all of the paperwork, the citizens and aristocrats began to plot the opportunity to strike the clan. And of course, this banquet was suggested by Damien. He obliged to have his way of scheming.

The house of Heinrich despised people trying to ruin their family for their selfish desires.

Just as the nobles were present and gathering on the lounge, chattering and making communications. Damien waits for her arrival, and as Camilla saw her brother's quiet composure she gives him a little pat on his shoulder. " I wonder what her expression be when she saw you once again," she smirks teasing her brother.

He ponders in silence Camilla abandons her brother, she confidently strolls on the stairs. The raven-haired lad reached the young master.

" My Lord, they have arrived," he confided to the master, his emotionless expression perked with a bright smile and yet anxious. Damien quickly got his way to the outside to meet the guest.

Halting the carriage in front of the gate, the Coachman flinched to stop. Mansion was built like a palace. Intriguing and yet reeks of darkness, who will know there might be full of Secrets behind the walls of this Mansion.

" We are here Young masters," the coachman told them, with a delayed look and Adelaide only force herself to smile to feel better. Both of them step out from the carriage as Heinz holds her sister carefully not to fall, and as every gentleman always does.

"So this is their manor..." 'Luxurious indeed.'

He muttered mindlessly, and he waved the coachman to leave in front of the gate. Entering the gold-like rich floor, everything is lively.

'Even if the kingdom is still in chaos, Heinrich had hosted a party to set an illusionary reason and to believe that the kingdom is in better shape... ' he hated to admit it however Heinrich had done so some good deeds that had benefits their kingdom.

The garden was spacious, like a fantasy place blooming into the lovely estate. A butler came right into them, an old man bowing in front. " My masters, the venue is on Heinrich's greenhouse,"

" Oh dear, Mister Fij, my father has been good these days ever since he received your tea," a woman with blonde hair smiles at the Count.

A peach haired noble lady along with the blonde-haired woman glared from so many nobles gathering and the foods from the table " Oh dear Celestia, the Heinrich are indeed influential. Sister! Sister! I want to eat that cake-" the blonde woman shushed her mouth to avoid more noises. " My sister, we can't get in trouble remember?"

Full of red roses, and Thorn's that displays. Noble people sharing interests, and are rapture. Adelaide walks along with her brother, hiding beside him. They were now in the enemy's territory, and this is a game of chess. Must be wary of every surrounding and don't pry.

' I must avoid the Heinrich, I must avoid the Heinrich! I should act normal, Haha..' she thought.

And to have her own time she reached out to her Brother. " Heinz, I'm going to the table there," Adelaide pointed out the bountiful and festive foods displays and he just nod as a confirmation. But suddenly he was grabbed by some noblemen.

Quickly, she rushes to examine the table, seeing the eye-catching Cakes, healthy fruits, and sweets. The food was bountiful. Enough to stuff their tummy. 'Food.Foods.Foods. These foods aren't what I always eat,' she couldn't tell which to eat, but she could not complain anymore longer. The food can only make her waste time.

On the shadow, behind the wall, and unnoticed from the crowds. Damien watched over Adelaide, it has been so many years since he last saw her. Her rose-pink bristle trickles and the cheerful and bright aura. She was still precious like the treasure, Damien strived Adelaide will soon concede to him.

' I'm such a fool,' he scoffed thinking about it, and thus he left her alone to have her a lonely time to eat. He isn't a weirdo in such ways nor was he an obsessive stalker.

Picking up the little cookie filled with strawberries, Adelaide felt a poke from her elbows. She faced to the way where it poked, and a peached-haired lady smile at her. She was around her age.

" Excuse me, are you here alone?" asking with a wonder.