Banquet of the enemy

When the banquet started, and so did nobles got louder. They exchanged laughter, dance, and gossips. The day lasted in the night—as the Skies slowly drifted into a dark hue. The stars twinkling so afar, and the God of Night strolled the milky ways after he awakened from his slumber.

In the endless galaxy, he looks afar from the people that live below. Deivan sighed from the same view he had always seen for the past years, and it does make him get exhausted. Leaning on a Half-moon replica, and silently reflected on himself. " Alas, I shall wait for another millenia," he woe.

Back at the banquet, one of the Heinrich, Camilla, was now the center of attraction. The noble men's gazes were full of hearts. And she decided to please them, and so she obliges to have a dance each of them. But do not underestimate her! She was born talented through dancing.

And while Damien-- Well, girls surrounded him to get his attention or just one glimpse, and either way— he only closes his eyes unbothered from the girls that surrounded him. ' Annoying, All I ever want was a quiet time,' the thought of it irks him, and as he relished the wine. The ladies were both from the high ranks, faeries or humans.

Until he feels overwhelmed, and pressure lurks in. " Oh my. I apologize, my ladies. It seems time is running up for me." he told them with respect—as to never dare hurt their feelings, and in a shock, they respected him back. They left with a bow and a mischievous smile plastered.

" Finally, I need some air right now. Tomorrow is going to be hellish. I can see it." Damien groans to think he is about to have a lot of paperwork to be taken care of-- He pinched the bridge of his nose.

The Moon had transcended at the night sky, and he goes to the nearest balcony to gaze at the celestial work. He was enamored. The stories of a thousand year-old God resided there.

He was enchanted by its magnificence when he never caught sight of a girl beside him, glimpsing at the moon from the skies-- one meter away from him. Familiar. He veered to his right, and he was stunned to see a person beside him. The moonlit shows her daring gaze, and she rested her head from her hand.

Rose-pink-haired Lady, gold roses she accessories. It was HER. He never anticipated to see this arrival, and just his God eyes never foresaw this. Has God given him an opportunity? He can hope. Damien never wanted to intervene with her, so he decided to accompany Adelaide quietly while she was drunk by the Moongazing.

He enjoyed every second of it. Romantic, he thought lovingly. If only he could hold hands and pour out his love to her. But Damien knew its barely a dream.

' I will always wait for you.' Such a fool for loving a person who will never love him back. The cool breeze hit their skin, and as the nights go deepest.

The unaware Adelaide shrugs from the cold. Damien noticed this and he urged to give her a coat, but he was risking the possibility she might look at him with a dreadful look. Maybe it was the fear that held him back. As It taunts to think the same expression every noble see him.

" The moon... It is elegant, right?" she let out, still fixated on the sky. 'Is she talking to me? Or maybe she mistakes me as someone', As he cleared his throat to be formal from answering her. " The moon is a heavenly thing; We humans are grateful to exist. I have always thought to capture or at least have a closer look,'' he amused.

" Ha! only the God of Night can only touch the moon itself." she thought out loud, never believing a blatant daydream. She was not a dreamer per se. The Crescent in the night sky, the sun, and the stars above are unreachable. Damien set out a chuckle, but he was serious after all. " But what if I did, hm? Would you believe that even a man like me can grasp and steal the Celestial moon?" he questioned.

Adelaide looks at him for a second, raising a brow. She turns her back. "Liar! things like that are impossible--" she retorted. As their eyes gazed at each other, the lady soon to realized who she was talking to; The man she always have longed to avoid since childhood, the man she feared. Damien smiled at her.

" Lord Heinrich!" she squealed by the terror, and the instincts acted into her mindlessly. She kicked his lower area. His smile turned into a yelp, and the face broke into cracks as the pain was too unbearable. " OH MY DEAR GOD!" she stood in terror to witness what she committed. He was on his knees as he endured the agony and the white strands on his forehead.

" My Lord, Im so so sorry; I hope you never curse me, and I never expected to see you here. I never offended you, I swear to myself. I was just shocked. Yes, I was shocked," She proceeded to babble as she anxiously supported Damien.

The anxiety and pressure have shown her hostility towards him, and yet he never blamed her. She thought of the kind of medications she could treat. Her face turned red as wine. He staggered as she carried him on its shoulder, and countless "im sorry" was mattered every second to her lips.

" It is okay, I am fine truly." he said to reassure the panicking lady. And Lilian appears as if she knew what happened, and she does.

" I heard someone was hurt-- My Lord?!" she gasped at the sight of his distressing look. "What in the divine has happened?" she raised a question and hurried to check him. Adelaide wept, and Lilian also shed a tear with her.

' I think i have gone too going to far,' he was speechless to see two weeping girls who were panicking to see him hurt.

Damien dropped his act now, as the pain had already subsided. The pain was already gone ever since Adelaide dragged him to the nearest place to sit.

" You two can stop crying now, It was just a mere- ahem kick," he coughed and hid the red tint on his face. " Im already fine, and thankful enough to Her lady."


I wiped the tears on my face and kept my distance away from him. He deserved the pain, as I bitterly thought. I was glad my head was still intact. Damien looks disappointed, but I do not dare make assumptions. Lilian quickly grabs my wrist to come beside her.

" My Lord, It is best that we should call the physician," she said. "No need," he shakes his head. Lord Damien changed a lot, and if memory serves me right. He used to have ghost-like pale skin, and the pupils formed like needles. But now he looks more like—human, and lively.

His lilac eyes met mine again, and I jolted. Is he planning my death soon? No, no. I shall not think like that, or I might manifest the worst. My parents had taught me not to be a coward ever since I was a child.

" My Lord, I apologize for my foolish act. I will accept any punishment for the behavior I did, and as a noble person would do," stepping up from him. I can sense Lilian was astonished; Cowering as it was best to swallow my pride for now. Until I heard Damien murmur. " You are excused," he spoke. " You are my guest here, and I want My guests to feel contented their stay in here. Lady Adelaide, and more obliged to hit me anytime if you do find me hindrance," he hesitated to speak the last words.

I bite my cheeks to suppress any emotions. Damien turned his back and left us.

" Adelaide? What happens back there?" Lilian grabs me again, and she whispers between my ears. I gulped, and all I ever pondered was now that I'm digging my own grave. " I mindlessly kick him," I admitted in defeat, feeling regretful about what I did.

" Are you drunk? If his lord didnt pity at you-" I covered her mouth. " I know. But he showed so sudden. I fear him as much I fear a ghost," Lilian looks at me speechlessly, palm slapping on her forehead.

" Whatever, It is fortunate you are not hurt." She said as started to drag me into the hall again. The crowds were just the same age as me, and differences of race and species. Elves, Witches, Faeries, and half-blooded presented. But nor Celestial kinds can be seen.

It was already obvious—The Haelan Empire forbids Celestial kinds to pass by its border. I will give you tea, the Current Emperor has the blood of Celestial, and we can assume he is a Half-deity. Emperor Leif Faust of the Haelan Empire had held his head high and has promised us to end the Corruption.

And what is more dangerous was Her Grace of Heinrich is the 8th Princess of Emperor Leif. Hmm, they have everything they could ask for in their hands.

I saw Camilla swaying her hips and dancing with passion in front of the crowd. The Duchess seems to be missing, and perhaps she was busy. Lilian conversed with different people while enjoying the tea the butler offered to me. A blonde woman decided to initiate a conversation with me, and it turns out she was Lilian's older sister.

My brother was nowhere to be seen, and hoping he still reminded me that he had a sister along with him. The melodious music tone was very addicting and as if I wanted to listen to every beat any day.


Heinz would never believe he was dancing along with Camilla, his hands on her hips swaying in every beat. Both of them were mixed in the crowds. He was disgusted to see her smug face. It has been a half-hour since they danced, and especially for Camilla that has been dancing for hours. " Outrageous, how come you can still dance?" He said with an exhausting look. Why does it come to this?

" Part of my skill," she said proudly as another twirl from Heinz. " Let me go. I want to rest for a while," he retorted. And Camilla had one last smug on her face before she let go of him, snapping her fingers to break Heinz from her spell. He huffed from the countless rounds of dance he went through. " Ha, If you insist to battle, we could have fought in swords." he said in between pants.

The crowds keep dancing with their partners. " Dancing can be sometimes dangerous," she teased. Heinz gives her a scornful gaze, and she ignores it. A nobleman arrived at Camilla inviting her to another dance, and she accept the invite. " I shall get going then. It was fun playing with you, Lord Heinz," she left him panting.

He stood up formally again when he was able to catch up on his breath. " Damn that woman," he cursed for being humiliated by a person like her. Heinz would never accept to cower to Prideful peoples.

As he grumpily walked out in the ballroom to get a drink to refresh his worn-out body. He caught His pwn sister quietly enjoying a tea beside a blonde woman, so he went closer to Adelaide." Adelaide, there you are," The rosette girl shook to see her brother again, but he looks like as if getting sucked his life out. Pale and sweaty.

" I was always here in the beginning. You were the one who got away from my sight." Adelaide scolded harshly and poked his chest hard. " I'm sorry. I was getting dragged out by so many peoples," he apologized softly, covering his chest.

" Fine. Anyways, while you were away so many things has happened, I met some friends," She sheepishly smiles and gives the Blonde woman have the time to introduce herself.

She steps up and keeps her head down " I am Emma Carmine. Pleased to meet you, My Lord." she said pleasantly. Heinz heard about the Carmine family a little. They were from different nations and not part of an empire.