The enemy of my enemy is my enemy

Shane slashed at the roaring breezy scaled lizard in front of him, as he noticed something out of the corner of his eye.

Jumping on the peak wild stage breezy scaled lizard with his dagger thrusted forward, Shane barely avoided the earth spikes and fireballs targeting his previous location by a hair's breadth.

The dagger pierced into the breezy scaled lizard, drenching in its blood, and killed the scaled lizard without further ado, as Shane landed on the ground.

He struggled to jump up from his position while pulling his dagger out of the breezy scaled lizard's chest forcefully when another bunch of elemental attacks was shot towards him.

Umbra was barely able to hold onto Shane who kept jumping and moving around to evade as well as to attack. He rolled to the side with a firm grip on his dagger, before it was almost flattened to the ground.