
Shane's premonition saved his life as he noticed the wild stage purple furred wolf attack him from behind with a rather exhausted pounce.

By jumping above the dying elite stage wolf, Shane arrived straight in front of the second elite stage wolf. He wasn't able to evade the second purple-furred wolf's claws completely. But he narrowly avoided the claws from piercing into his flesh by deflecting them with his dagger.

The only problem was that Shane was now in a bad situation or rather at a disadvantage. The elite stage purple furred wolf was still physically stronger than him, even though the [Berserk] skill had enhanced his strength by 10%

Fortunately, Umbra came to his help as he shot multiple shadow needles in a row straight at the wolf's eyes. Two of the needles pierced through its eyes before it could even close them to deflect the remaining shadow needles.