Feeling free

When he walked inside his room, he ignored the curious gazes and questions of his roommates, as he took off his clothes, and left his boxers on before he went to bed.

Thinking about Olivia's gaze, he frowned lightly, before he closed his eyes

'Why would I spar with you, if your physique is too weak for me to handle! If you can't hold back, it would only be a waste of time for both of us!'

Even if he had known Olivia for a short time only, he was sure that holding back was something that she couldn't be associated with.

However, rather than thinking about this, Shane was glad to have seen the two girls, because he could give them his well-meant advice.

They could either ignore his words or listen to him as they were independent and could choose for themselves.

But in the end, they would lose out on a vast fortune, if everything worked according to his plan, which was highly likely, thanks to Aisha and the Valkyries' existence.