Pushing herself on me

It was already Sunday and most students used this day in order to recuperate from their arduous training, while Shane was running through a more difficult parkour with mana circulating through his veins.

His speed increased further through this and he sweated heavily as he evaded the obstacles seemingly without halting in his tracks.

Once he was done, he sat down on a bench that was situated near the parkour. As he looked around, he saw several dozen groups of students enjoying a picnic, eating barbeque or playing games with each other.

The sight in front of him seemed serene and peaceful. Shane couldn't help but feel that he was born in a good era when he recalled Igra's dangers with the terrifying beasts that still inhabited the planet, even after more than 200 years passed since the dimension portals had first appeared..

If one were to compare his life on Igra with his short first life on Earth, it would be obvious as to which one he preferred.