A Major Mistake

"This third round has been making us all crazy! Oh, damn! The Chronos Squad is rushing forward at the Pilot Gaming squad! Clearly, they are preventing the first tower steal for this match!" the first commentator quickly said. He had almost forgotten to speak his remarks because of the unexpected turn of events. It was just unprecedented that none of them had seen through or predicted the Chronos squad's decision!

"Could it be that they are rescuing the Noob Amateurs squad from the hands of the Pilot Gaming squad? What could be the reason? Why are they protecting their opponent?" the other commentator finally expressed his theory and threw a question for the audience to discuss. His voice even pitched higher to emphasize the 'rescuing the Noob Amateurs squad' and 'protecting their opponent' part.

But the expected discussion did not fell into the area of the bleacher's side in the gymnasium.

In fact, most of the audience did not think too much of the reason why the Chronos squad changed their target anymore. They were just too eager to see the fight. They did not even pay attention to the commentator's words! All focus was directed on the screen in front of them and the sound effects of gunshots and clash of weapons turned higher.

The criticism, on the other hand, had fallen on the area of the participants in the tournament.

"Bah! This Noob Amateurs squad is betraying us! They have formed an alliance with the Chronos!" the first player that was eliminated in the third round sneered loudly. She had placed both of her hands on her waists and was glaring at the players of the Noob Amateurs squad.

This ice-cold glare from her made the subject players on the lounge felt uncomfortable. They could sense a sinister aura directed towards them, yet, they can't remove their attention on their device. They just shifted their sitting positions to brush off the uneasiness.

Although the spotlight was no longer on the Noob Amateurs squad, they were secretly thankful for the sudden appearance of the Chronos squad.

To say, if the Chronos squad did not appear, the Pilot Gaming squad would have successfully employed their tower lock signal and destroy the base! Then, the Noob Amateurs Squad would be done!

"Let's not get into that conclusion. We have no proof." the squad leader of Elite Players squad spoke softly to reprimand the girl. His lips formed a line as he glanced in the direction of the Chronos squad. He could not help but also felt suspicious of their action. But he had chosen to not jump to conclusions.

"What jumping into conclusion? Isn't this action of the Chronos squad not enough proof? They are protecting the base of the Noob Amateurs Squad. Why would they do that?" the girl turned around and face the squad leader of the Elite Players squad. Her expression indicated that she was ready to throw a bunch of arguments if the man would talk back to her.

"I'm just saying that even if they betray us, is it really betrayal? Do we have the right to be angry against them? We don't. So quit your nonsense accusations!" the man coldly eyed the girl. In his mind, even if the alliance was secretly formed behind their back, it was something that they should not get offended. After all, it was a game and if the Noob Gaming squad saw a different means to be victorious, others squad should not blame them.

The girl suddenly took a big gulp as if she was swallowing all her arguments down to her throat.

She was taken aback by the harsh reality that the man had pointed out.

Indeed, even if the Noob Amateurs squad was having their fake alliance with the Chronos squad, this kind of plan had nothing to do with them now because they were already eliminated.

And if they dare blame the two teams for such, it would potentially backlash as it was them who initially started pseudo alliances in the first place.

While these players have different opinions, the audience continued to follow the clash of the two squads. The lineup role of this squad was similar to the Chronos squad. They also had a tank, an assassin, a mage, a marksman, and support.

However, their character's appearance and ability were very different. Sofia's character - CEO UNRIVALED, has an air of elegance like a royal king or a knight wearing its shining armor. It has a degree of sophistication and its main ability is to hook and pull the target. Also, it can make the ground shatter and stunned the opponents.

As for the tank of the Pilot Gaming squad, the character was portrayed by a bulky warrior holding a huge shield. There was a long scar on its face that its entire appearance resembled like a huge gladiator. It's main advantage was anchored in its huge shield. The tank can use its weapon for both offense and defense.

When another force cleaved towards the player of the Pilot Gaming squad, the tank was quick to raise its huge shield and blocked all the damage coming from the force. The support user also directed its character to quickly cast a heal on him.

The support remained behind the tank but their other members quickly moved to different angles to avoid the AoE from Clark's mage. Almost all players were familiar with the mage character that Clark was using. They were well aware that Amatuer Mage could summon three elements. And if all of them would be get caught on to this skill, they will surely be in danger!


Another sound of colliding weapons also sounded as Joey's support character was attacked by the mage of the Pilot Gaming squad. This sound was not from the mage though. It was Claire's assassin who delivered a couple of tiny shurikens to counterattack in an attempt to save Joey.

However, the assassin of the Pilot Gaming squad was also swift to throw its shuriken into the right precision and blocked Claire's initial attack.

These several shurikens clashing in mid air with a dramatic movement turned all the audience into a complete daze. That was another satisfying scene to watch that most of the audience absentmindedly opened their mouths in awe and clapped their hands.

To be able to carry this kind of precision in blocking an attack in mid-air, the Pilot Gaming squad assassin displayed great mastery of his character as well!

On the other side, CEO UNRIVALED took two steps and suddenly released one hook!

As the hook traveled in front of the enemy, the tank quickly dodged to avoid being grabbed by the hook. His shield was still in cool down, hence, it was the only way for him to get away from Sofia's attack.

However, the action was a major mistake on his part!

He had forgotten that there was a support that had been hiding behind his back. When his character went to the other side, the support was completely open and vulnerable!

In just a blink of an eye, CEO UNRIVALED pulled the support of the Pilot Gaming squad.

The face of the player who was using the support turned sour after his character was launched forward. "What the f*ck! Are you sacrificing me?!" his voice trembled out of anger when he realized the action that his tank had made.