


"Rest in Peace Support!"

All the audience made a gasped of air after watching the metal chain from CEO UNRIVALED latching off and went towards the support of the Pilot Gaming Squad. Some quickly muttered their opinions loudly.

A 2.5% of HP was quickly acquired by the Pilot Gaming squad's support character after the hook was connected on its body. Then, the figure of the support was rapidly pulled towards the direction of the Chronos squad in an instant.

"Ohh myyy, that Pilot Gaming tank is a joke! Why did he let his support being taken away?"

"Their support would never survive after this hook!"

"He should have move together with the tank!"

"That was a wrong move indeed!"

Anyone could spot this mistake from the tank and support. While the majority kept their opinions to themselves, others have also criticized the two loudly.

The tension in venue had also increased, both in the player's lounge and in the bleacher's area.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry," the tank user muttered his apology continuously. He was clearly aware of his fault! If he didn't let his tank step on the side to dodge the hook, their support would never be dragged out of their protection.

But, he was not entirely to be blamed for his decision to dodge the attack. Such action was just an instinct of him to avoid being caught by CEO UNRIVALED.

Before the hook would be unleashed, the opponent's character would produce an animation effect of the hook glowing for a mini second. He detected the glowing effect, so, he was quick to make assessments.

The tank user was also expecting the support user to move together with his character. However, the two players had not yet reached a degree of coordination that would allow them to have a tacit understanding of the situation.

"I can't believe you, bro!" the support user continued to mutter his disbelief while watching his character on the device. He had placed all the blame on the tank user.

In a blink of an eye, the support halted just in front of Sofia's team. CEO UNRIVALED did not use any more skills on him. Her goal was only to grab the support.

It was Dangerous Predator, the marksman of the Chronos squad, who gave a rain of damage from a combination of attacks.

The support user had no choice but to use his skill and cast a full heal for his character to survive. After his HP drastically plummeted, the character bath into a golden light and quickly regained back its HP.

This support user had been playing pro in other games. He was completely upset with the tank user. But he still managed to focus on the game.

On the player's lounge, the dark aura on his face did not leave. He was mad but it was not the right time for him to be controlled by his emotions. All he could do was to shook his head several times and exhaled his disappointment loudly.

After casting a heal, his HP quickly rose back to full.

The apologetic tank user of the Pilot Gaming squad arrived just in time to save him. He threw his shield in the air and aimed for Stephen's marksman. Dangerous Predator was hit in the shoulder before the shield went back to the opponent's side. The inflicted damage that he received was 8% of his full HP.

"Wow, the tank has a greater damage!" an audience exclaimed after he noticed the loss of HP from Stephen's marksman.

"Nah, it's normal for the gladiator type of tank to have large damage. I used this character all the time. Its shield can be an offense and defense. That marksman should retreat or that tank would eat him!" the other audience commented.

Opposite to what the audience had expected, Stephen did not back down despite this loss of HP. His character moved sideward to find a position where he could aim his attacks to the support.

"Amazing! This marksman user is not also simple! The Chronos squad had displayed their awareness of this game. Targeting the support of the Pilot Gaming squad from his angle is hard since his target had moved behind his tank. How is he going to get his target?" the commentator spoke once more after seeing how the marksman did not step back.

"I guess this will be a full clash! No one is gonna back down! Their allies are also coming from both sides!" the other commentator stated.

Stephen moved his marksman farther. He found his position was not the best position to get his target as the tank had stood mightily to protect his ally.

Stephen could openly attack the tank however, he needed to aim for the support character.

There was an opportunity presented for him to deliver damage to the tank, yet, he would never waste his skill on the gladiator. This was because, even if he used his skill to the tank, it would be counterproductive and inefficient as the support would just heal back the tank's HP.

On the large screen, Claire's assassin activated her stealth and swiftly moved behind the opponent's tank. The two players of the Chronos Squad knew that the main target was to eliminate the support of the Pilot Gaming Squad.

The Pilot Gaming assassin also did the same and stealthily went to the Chronos squad's support. But he was not so quick to activate his stealth skill and Sofia caught a glimpse of his shadow behind her. CEO UNRIVALED slightly turned around and punched the ground!

As the ground cracked open, the assassin of the Pilot Gaming squad was revealed! Clark's mage instantly summoned fire and wind towards the enemy.

The assassin quickly made a signal to request a backup from his allies before his character was suspended on air.

The operator in the computer room had been busy clicking his mouse to zoom in on certain gameplays. The clash of characters happened at the same minute of the game. The fingers on his left hand were also hitting his keyboard at high speed. Despite his multitasking, there was no difficulty that can be seen on his face.

"Nice, nice!" he mumbled with great joy while he was doing this multiple tasks.