Lights! Camera! Action!

Yuina followed Director Aoyama and his assistant to the educational building. It seemed like the film crew was using one of the classes there, the ones at the end of the hallway.

Although all the moving made by the film crew attracted the attention of students nearby, the already notified teachers made efforts to control them.

"Well, Teacher Masuda," Director Aoyama paused in his tracks, turned around and stared at Yuina. He looked as calm as before, "As I've told you, this is just a short and simple scene, but, I hope you could deliver it well. The scriptwriter will help you to understand your character."

"I will do my best," Yuina made a promise.

Although she was still baffled by this kind of development, she was still eager to do it properly.

All the way to the filming site, her heart continued pounding hard nonstop. She really, really hoped to see him here.

"Teacher Masuda, please follow me," The assistant spoke to Yuina once Director Aoyama left. He seemed like he had just graduated from college. The assistant made a gesture toward a room, "I'll bring you to the scriptwriter."


Yuina glanced around, trying to find him but she could only see children dressed in school uniforms and crew members running back and forth, setting up the types of equipment.

Should she message him?

Yuina shook her head. He must be busy with his own preparations. She quickly followed the assistant to enter a preparation room.

The scriptwriter was a woman in her early 30s with the surname Okada. With short bob hair dyed in burgundy color, she appeared to be a lively and carefree person but, she was not.

The scriptwriter was serious with her work.

Even for a small part made her expressed its importance to Yuina.

"Teacher Masuda, I know this scene looks like a really minor one but, nothing should be treated as lesser than the others. Even the scene of students playing happily has to be directed and shot perfectly to convey the freedom and joy of the young."

"I understand what do you mean, it's just..." Yuina lowered her eyes to the script in front of her. She laughed awkwardly, "I just need to recite a few short lines then walk out of the classroom? Nothing else?"

"Yes!" Okada vigorously nodded her head, "Do your best! You'd have your face shown in the film next!"

Yuina tilted her head, thinking of it.

Even though she had to hide her identity as Film Emperor Ishizaki Ryuu's legal wife, it was okay for her to contribute a small part to the film, wasn't it?

If not, it wouldn't be easy for her to receive this kind of opportunity.

"Okay. I'll do my best."

The assistant gave her a contract to be signed. It indicated her part in the film as well as for confidentiality. After she carefully read the terms stated in the contract, she finally signed it.

Next, Yuina got her makeup touched up by the makeup artist. She was nervous as she looked at her reflection in the mirror.

The artist's fingers magically brought out another layer of her beauty.

"Alright. It's done," The makeup artist was satisfied to see her appearance, "You can go now. Good luck!"

"Thank you," Yuina smiled softly.

The assistant came to fetch her to bring her to the classroom. Yuina thought this was too dubious. This kind of treatment made her assumption that this was Ryuu's arrangement grew more solid.

"Teacher Masuda, this is the child actor Kurata Kiyoshi, the one who plays as Teacher Ishizaki's son."

The assistant introduced Yuina to a young boy. She was in a daze as she heard the assistant's explanation.

So, this was the child actor that was mentioned to be paired with her husband as his son in the film?

He really looked like the students in her class.

From what Yuina remembered, the role that Ryuu played was as a father who was estranged from his own child. Because the father had his son from age as young as 19 years old, the casting crew searched for a child actor ranged from age seven to nine years old.

"Hello, Teacher Masuda, it's nice to meet you," The child actor politely bowed his head and greeted Yuina, "My name is Kurata Kiyoshi."

"Ah, same goes for me," Yuina quickly smiled, "Good luck with your shoot."

Kiyoshi smiled back.

"Kiyoshi! Teacher Masuda! Come here!"

Director Aoyama called both of them from the director's seat. The assistant quickly led them to the director.

Director Aoyama seriously giving their pieces of advice, especially to Yuina. She felt that even though this was just a small role, she had to give it her all.

While they were talking, a tall figure came closer to them. His silhouette stretched out on the floor then fell on Yuina as he stood next to her.

"Director, don't be too excited. You'd scare the teacher away."

Her lashes flickered at the sound of the familiar voice. Yuina stiffly turned her head around. Her baffled gaze was met with a smile from him.


"Ah, our film emperor is here," Director Aoyama laughed, "Your scene would take place after this. Why don't you relax first?"

Ryuu placed both hands inside the pocket of his pants. He swept a meaningful gaze to Yuina before he replied, "I still need to see for myself how the beginning is, right? Don't mind me. I'll just stay quietly in the corner."

"Up to you. Shoo, don't bother other people," Director Aoyama waved his hand, pretending to chase Ryuu away.

Ryuu smiled. He turned to Yuina.

"You're one of the teachers here, right? Good luck with your scene."

His words were respectful so did his manner. No one would guess that their relationship was deeper.

Seeing how he acted, Yuina played along with him.

"Thank you, Film Emperor Ishizaki," She smiled politely. Her action showed that she was just a stranger to him.

Ryuu deepened his smile. If not for where they were right now, he really wanted to touch her head and give her a forehead kiss.

Next, it was the scene that Yuina would act in. She was given time to prepare herself mentally although what she should do was just something simple that she had done for her students before.

The child actor Kiyoshi sat in the intended spot, waiting for the camera to roll.

Ryuu stood in a spot, silently looking at his wife. From time to time, they would exchange surreptitious glances. His lips couldn't help but curl up, brightening his face up.

Somehow, he felt giddy with excitement with the way they were acting so secretly.

"Lights! Camera! Action!"

Director Aoyama roared from his seat. All of the crew members were focusing on the tasks at hand seriously.

From his spot, Ryuu didn't let his eyes wander from his wife. Seeing him like this reminded him of the days when he helped her to train before the stage plays.

Yuina was actually not good with the crowd, something that stemmed from her younger days. If possible, she didn't want to draw any attention to herself. Even doing a presentation in front of her teachers and lecturers required a tremendous amount of effort.

But, she gradually changed once she left that hellish place.

Yuina learned to be more confident and bold to face the crowd. Ryuu remembered he teared up when she said she signed up for the stage plays in the university. Although her roles weren't as big as the main ones, they were not too unimportant either.

"You help me to go past my fear, Ryuu. I might still be afraid but, as I've lived through the horror, with you here by my side, I want to tackle everything that comes to me. Maybe, someday, those are nothing but just bad dreams."

Those were her words a few years ago.

Ryuu blinked, gathering his focus back on the woman in front of him.

She was his most precious treasure.

But, he had always wronged her by leaving her alone most of the time.

That fact, he understood very much.

"...zaki? Teacher Ishizaki?"

The voice brought him back to reality. Ryuu blinked once, looked at his left and saw one of the crew members.

"Your scene would begin soon. We have to retouch your makeup," The crew member reminded him.

"Ah... Yes. Sorry."

Ryuu glanced at where Yuina was. She had finished the short scene and was now talking to the director. It seemed like Director Aoyama's mood was good.

In the short moment he looked at her, Yuina lifted up her gaze and met his eyes.

Ryuu smiled faintly. He turned around, brought out his hand from the pocket of his pants, did a V-sign against the side of his thigh and walked away, following the crew member.

Yuina's mood elevated once she saw the sign.

You did well.

That was what he signaled to her.

She smiled happily.

"You've done well, Teacher Masuda. Thanks to you, we are able to conclude this scene."

"Thank you too, Director Aoyama, for giving me this opportunity," Yuina quickly focused back on the director. Ryuu had walked out of the room, "But, I want to ask. Since the supporting actress couldn't come, why didn't you find another one? Was it due to time constraint?"

That was what the director mentioned when he came inside the teachers' room earlier. Yet, Yuina thought her husband played a role in this matter as well.

"Oh, well," Director Aoyama laughed, "Aside from time constraint, Film Emperor Ishizaki also suggested finding a teacher here. Someone who would fit the role. So, I just went along with his suggestion."

"Ah, that's why..."

Yuina laughed inwardly. Her husband really knew to use every opportunity he could find to make sure they were able to meet.

While Yuina was preparing to go to the class, she received a message from that man.

[Ryuu: Sorry, can't talk to you much. I will stay until late. Could we meet before you go home?]

Yuina's mood continued to soar up.

[Yuina: Sure. Where would we meet for our secret rendezvous?]

[Ryuu: Does the back of the educational building good? I'm having an affair with my own wife. It's thrilling!]

"Hehe, this sneaky man," Yuina laughed softly. Her fingers were quick to type another reply.

[Yuina: Okay. But, don't blame me if we get caught. Tell me the time.]

[Ryuu: Okay. Get to go now. Will reply to you later!]

Yuina hummed her favorite melody.

The idea of secretly meeting her husband in this school made her heart beat fast but, she couldn't say no to it!