Did He Really Do All These Out of Consideration to Her?

Nanako kept rambling as she urged Himari to have dinner. She brought along a chicken and corn porridge together with fresh fruits. Aside from that, another thermos of hot yuzu tea was given to her by Kazuya.

That man dropped by to meet Nanako at her office. Nanako was delighted to receive such a task from him while Himari was totally surprised. She thought Nanako was just teasing her but, her friend didn't know about the yuzu tea that Kazuya told Izumi to give to her this morning.

Now, Himari had two different porridge for dinner. The beef one was bought by Teacher Masuda while the other was from Nanako.

In the end, she forced Nanako to help her finished both of the porridge. 


As they ate at the low table in the living room, Chobi had his dinner too. He obediently ate the kibbles while his mama was sitting with the woman who always showed him a dissatisfied look.

Whatever, as long his mama was happy.