What's Wrong With Me Fighting For What I Care For?

The night outside the apartment was quiet, saved for the chatters that came from the houses nearby mixed with the electronic sounds of the TV and radios. The streets were illuminated by the orange light of the lamp poles, casting faint shadows on the surroundings. 


A few meters away from the gate of the apartment, a man crouched in a corner, hiding in the shadows. With one hand pressing a phone to his ear, the other was gently tickling the chin of a neighborhood cat in front of him.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps approached him.

The man raised up his eyes from the cat to the one who was walking toward him. The soft light in his eyes turned cold in an instant.

Yet, he still spoke gently to the phone.

"Then, I won't disturb you any longer. Have a proper sleep tonight, lest your fever won't go down. En, yes. I'll call you again tomorrow. Bye."