Would He Appear Soon?

Yuina didn't know how long she had been confined inside this small room. She was truly be left alone the moment the masked men locked the door. Her sense of time gradually went astray.

Her surroundings were eerily quiet, cold and gloomy.

The other sounds that entered her ears besides her own breathing were the sound of wind slapping against the window and the faint sound of cans rolling on the ground outside the building.

At times, Yuina could hear the sound of waves rolling, silently notifying her that she was nearby the sea.

'Where is this? Is this place a beach?'

As the early autumn night got older, the temperature continued to lower. Her body had long felt the chill.

'Where are they? I couldn't even hear their voices.'

Because her movements and sight were limited, Yuina's auditory sense was heightened. Yet, no matter how many hours had passed, she couldn't even hear the kidnappers' footsteps outside the room.